Delightful tale. Delightful beginning.

I love the whole shaving thing. I can how having Clark make an issue of it will be so useful.
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
When Clark .... learns he is Superman without regaining those memories
I think she'd hit on the reason for the shaving focus.

Clark is Clark, once he sees the news about the Asteroid and Superman, and discovers he can't shave, adds in his lack of scaring, he will figure out he is Superman.

Being Clark, without the burden of memory, when some disaster strikes he is going to insist on going to help.

I am looking forward to finding the globe, since this Clark has never been talked about it, it should help him to build a solid foundation and withstand the painful return of his memories.

We also have the discovery of the marriage license to come, I expect it, and spending some time helping as Superman and returning to Smallville will help to put a framework on the foundation.

I rather expect the key to their return of his memory will only come after he is happy and functioning regularly as Superman.

At that time Martha Kent can return and Clark can have a memory cascade.

Looking forward to it however events play out.
