Wow. We might get an honest to goodness reverse reveal. Lois knows who Clark is and she's agonizing over how much to tell him, and about his reaction. If only canon Lois could get a hint of what that feels like!

I do wish Clark had taken off more than just his shirt...maybe been checking out his...but that's a whole "nother kind of reveal...

How wonderful he's embarrassed because he's a bit shy, rather than traumatized.

I must say your posting schedule until now gave me the sense that the story was happening almost in real day of L&C events for a day or two of real life, and the flow is so smooth that it captures and distracts the imagination. So just a little bit of withdrawal symptoms, in the day off. I'm so very glad I came back to reading once the imprisonment was ending. I've been lurking but this is so beautiful it deserves a great big thank you for writing.

peep blush