Clark has come a long way from that to the point where he would arrange a way to turn Lois into his date at the Kerths without her pre-approval. Of course, having a woman he had never met before come up to him and kiss him like canon-Lois did was probably a helpful turn of events.
Well, ten years had past including over a year as Superman. Let’s hope he has gained SOME self-confidence regarding women in that time.
Yes, could Clark really be that much of the jealous boyfriend type?
LOIS: Really? Do you need to even ask? Have you seen what he’s like around Lex?
Hmm, not even that he was Lana's boyfriend. I was at least expecting Lana would say "my mother heard you were my boyfriend, and wanted to meet my boyfriend."
Yes, that might have been more polite.
Lana also does not seem to believe in talking things over with people. No wonder Clark told Lois "stay". His experience is people who are dating give commands to each other, and they get listened to.
Lana was a very commanding person.
The “stay” Clark issues Lois is more a request for her safety per the old Superman cartoons. That Lois didn’t listen to him (or Superman) either.
Being interviewed by someone is not really meeting them. Also, her mother may have forgotten that, she does not have an eidetic memory and it has been 3 years or so.
Plus, Clark had mastered the art of invisiblity by that point, so very forgetable.
Or she heard from Maisie that Lana was dating "the Kent orphan" or something like that.
Hmmmm. I wonder who could have told Maisie? No, it’s more like Mrs. Lang hounding her daughter about her current beau, but since Lana isn’t really dating anyone at the moment, she tells her Mom about Clark to shut her up. It spins out of control from there.
I guess Lana did mention him. Still, maybe they should go on real dates, it does not sound like they really have. Parties are all well and good (or not, if they are filled with smashed people), but one-on-one dates might be better.
No dates, because he’s basically a faux boyfriend to scare other men off.
Humm, if he is not "allowed to tell his buddies", I really do not see how she can be so angry at his surprise that she told her mother. Of course this is Lana.
That’s because she didn’t want Clark going back to school and bragging about being brought home to meet the family, etc. Not that Clark would have ever done that.
Hmm, actually, why does he ever complain about Lois' ability to hold a grudge after what he has put up with with Lana.
Um… technically, Lana isn’t holding a grudge at this point (she does after they break up though). And when he had the conversation with Lois, Lana was the furthest thing from his mind.
He was more likely wondering if he would have to ask the Irigs if he could stay in their barn over break.
hyper Let me.
LOIS: Hands off!
Lois:Clark, why did you pick up the pan without a hot pad?
When did I do this in front of Lois?
This is very different than how Lois reacts to him, ever.
CLARK: Another reason to love Lois.
Of course she uses her love to seek to get him to reject who he really is.
Lana is a great manipulator.
Has Lois yet told Clark she loves him? I think she did at least once. Even if she has not said it in words, her actions on their date suggested some level of love, even if she does not fully trust him.
She told him in the Metro Storage Closet that she wanted to make love to him, thereby implying it. But “no” she hasn’t said it out right.
He should have known that her failure to accept who he truly was was a bad sign. for Clark. It is so hard without his parents. Hopefully he can open up with Lois soon. At least he has Cat, even though I do not really like Cat. She still is not as bad or manipulative as Lana. I never thought I would say such a thing, but it is true.
Cat isn’t at all like Lana. She has accepted both sides of Clark. She’s been a good friend and tried to help him out of jams. Sure, she a huge flirt, but that’s just who she is.
Considering she thinks he is a freak, quite possible.
Perhaps there was another reason.
This is not at all Clark's fault. Not at all.
But he blames himself for not ever making her happy.
No, it is not his fault. He tried as hard as he could. He protected her as much as he could.
Nobody can accept blame like Clark.
I don't see why he is even trying to hide his identity here. No one really would know one way or the other.
He doesn’t want people to associate him with the Kents, thereby having others (Maisie) ask too many questions.
I still really do not see how Lois had misunderstood his question, missed the very deep hurt he is in at this moment.
She hadn’t missed the deep hurt, but misunderstood his statement.
That is a total lie.
I wouldn’t say it’s a “lie”, more of a wrong answer.
She might be dead.
Good point.
This is what he needed to hear.
I think he is being too harsh on himself.
He’s having a bad day… and it’s only going to get worse.
Hmm, I am still waiting to see Clark's reaction to learning Rachel is dead. We really did not even get bach to where we were at the end of part 50, we are at least 5 minutes earlier in time.
They hadn’t mentioned Rachel’s death in Part 50, but there’s like two mintues out from where Part 50 ended.
Well, I think Lois helped a little by mentioning his saving her at EPRAD. Still, it would be nice if she would have brought up how he helped her after she was shot as well. It would have helped if he had told her a little more. It would have been hard, but I think he could have done it.
True. But it wasn’t the time or place.
He should have said "That lady looks eactly like a woman I knew who had an expeirnece that I got her out of, but not soon enough. We dated for a long time, but I never was able to make her happy like that lady was." OK, then he would have had to say the other lady was named Lana, and with Lois in her investigative phase who knows what she would do.
Yep. Clearly, this Lana wasn’t ever engaged to Clark.
Hmm, I wonder if he will react to what he learns about what it is said Walt did to Rachel by saying "Where I came from it was Lana who Walt tried to rape" or something else equally as outlandish sounding.
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The first time he met Lois she walked up to him and planted a kiss on his lips that was probably more passionate than any kiss Lana had ever given him. Of course, it was not this Lois, but canon-Lois, but it was a Lois.
Maybe not more passionate, but definitely more loving.
Heck, with this Lois she is trying to get him into her bed the day he rejects her in his alternate persona. Nothing at all like Lana.
Luckily this Lois hasn’t had the experiences (that she can recall) that Lana had.
It sounds to me like there was a second incident, after the one with Walt, that really hurt Clark's Lana as well.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.