Duh! Once for Clark, who was a kinda okay boy. And once for Superman, who was just such a good boy.
Clark: Lois is going to be *so* jealous!

Lot of hassle. Little money. Possibly lots of guns.
Robbers: But we were *bored!*

Lion is creepy yet kinda cute.

It’s got to be good for something. So long as he doesn’t start to smell bad after a couple of days of lying in state.
Well, they can't mummify him, just in case someone throws a curse on him so that he'll rise from his tomb in 3,000 years to destroy the world.

Maybe if he got up there and pushed?
<Passangers aboard are thereby vaporized>

You mean, like making sure your nice, sharp Valyrian steel is right there with you when it starts to snow and the cold winds are rising?
And keep a fire burning. I hear White Walkers are fire-shy.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon