I was just going to pop in with a list of “short ones that made me laugh” and then I kept wanting to add more short ones to the list for other reasons. And now, since there are many more on my list, I’m just going to group them and give you a one-liner why you should read the whole group of them.

Short ones that made me laugh or giggle or smile (and sometimes all of the above):
Astrologically Challenged by Anna B the Greek
2 kB (362 words)
StoryConned by SuperBek
3 kB (466 words)
StorySummary: Clark can’t ever refuse Lois, even if it means...
The Interviewee by Toomi
1 kB (34 words)
StoryKiss Me by SuperBek (yeah, yeah…I already said this one, but it belongs in this group)
8 kB (1,337 words)
StorySummary: A short revelation story in which Lois doesn’t quite react as expected to Superman’s confession.
Kryptonite Coffee by Toomi (this one too

4 kB (697 words)
StoryLost in Paradise by Queen of the Capes
3 kB (424 words)
StoryThe New Adventures of Zooperman by SuperBek
7 kB (1,112 words)
StorySummary: Lois and Clark spend an afternoon at the Metropolis Zoo.
Wish Upon A Perseid by Toomi
6 kB (989 words)
StoryHere’s a group of short ones (some super short and others a bit longer) that hit me in the FEELS, be it hopeful, sad, wistful, and/or WAFFs!
Playing Pretend by KSaraSara (eep…is it bad form to recommend my own? I really love this little moment, though it didn’t make my *long* fav list in the author post)
6 kB (965 words)
StorySummary: Clark witnesses a sweet moment between Lois and their daughter.
Ficathon: Repair Job (for Toomi) by Queen of the Capes
10 kB (1,541 words)
StoryTidings of Cookies and Joy by AnnieM
14 kB (2,408 words)
StoryPencil It In by SuperBek
15 kB (2,600 words)
StorySummary: Clark gets Lois a gift, but the gift has some unexpected consequences.
Whisper of Hope by SuperBek
6 kB (1,038 words)
StorySummary: After a rough day at school, Clark Kent overhears a conversation between his parents.
Wish Heard From Afar by SuperBek
6 kB (1,053 words)
StorySummary: In this companion story to Wish Upon A Star, Clark returns from New Krypton on Christmas morning to find an unexpected and precious gift.
Wish Straight From the Heart by SuperBek
5 kB (881 words)
StorySummary: In this companion story to Wish Upon A Star and Wish Heard From Afar, young Jon Kent learns that his Christmas Eve wishes might have had more power than he’d imagined.
Wish Upon A Star by SuperBek
7 kB (1,163 words)
StorySummary: Lois and her son Jon make their annual Christmas wish. Will they finally receive the Christmas miracle they’ve been hoping for?
Worth Remembering by Queen of the Capes
17 kB (2,628 words)
StoryHappy (and maybe a bit sad and wistful) reading!