Hi Toomi!
Had there been a crazy timewarp where she said she’d had a horrible date and he’d been plunked back into time just as she announced she never wanted to see him again?
The door date?
At least then he could understand her promptly slamming the door in his face.
He tried a little less focus and his heart sank when he heard her sobbing.
“Lois?” He called out a little louder. “ Is everything ok?”
No, she’s sobbing from joy.
He quietly chastised himself. What a dumb thing to ask. He wouldn’t be standing in the corridor with Lois crying on the other side of the closed door if everything was fine.
See? Perhaps it’s because Lois has realized that she will have to move back home to New Krypton in the morning?
Actually, screw that. The woman of his dreams, the love of his life, who seemingly had a fantastic time on their date tonight was now crying her heart out on the other side of the door. He wanted to hold her and try to fix whatever was wrong.
He knocked a little bolder.
“Lois. Please, let's talk this out.”
And when she opens the door, he’s gone, thanks to an emergency

He realized too late that she’d just added the chain and the door had been unlocked. He could have opened the door if he’d thought about it.
She didn’t say anything as she peered at him through the small opening in the door and Clark had to resist placing his hand on the door.
Oh boy. She’s not happy. Not happy at all.
“I’ll be right back,” she mumbled as she fled in the direction of the bathroom.
Fixing her makeup?
In the distance, he heard the sound of a siren and promptly forced his hearing range to remain only within the confines of the apartment.
See? Would be very awkward if he left now.
“Yes. Look, Clark. Tonight was great. Amazing.”
Which explains her crying.
“What if it doesn’t work?” Lois whispered.
Then Utopia will go bye-bye and Tempus won’t show up. Which means they won’t meet Alt-Clark. Who in turn would never become Superman, never find his own Lois.
“What do we have to lose?” He asked gently as he stopped just in front of her, realizing that her arms weren’t crossed in defiance, but in fear.
“Everything,” she whispered.
“What are you suggesting?”
“This,” he said as he leaned in to kiss her.
“What did you say?” She gasped between kisses.
“What did you say about tonight?”
Looks like he successfully fried her brain.
“Oh?” He had to try to remember what he had been saying before. “This is our moment?”
And his, too.
“This is our moment?”
“No, the other thing.”
“There will never be another tonight?”
“I think I’d like a repeat.”
Clark laughed and his heart soared. There wouldn’t be another night quite like tonight, but hopefully there would be many more together.
Very adorable ficlet

Too bad we no longer have the puddle-of-goo graemlin.
