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From Chapter 7...

Clark checked out the steers, moving easily among them, while Lois checked out Clark.

Looking back, she wasn’t sure she’d given as much as a passing thought to farmers. If she had, it was to assume they were boring, countrified, and dull. Backwards even.

Clark Kent was none of those things. He was intelligent, articulate, and thoughtful, with a well-developed sense of responsibility. He loved his mom dearly and had made sacrifices to try to help her through her grief, while dealing with his own loss of a father.

He was some man.

He had dreamed of being a reporter for The Daily Planet.

Just as he had predicted, he had shocked her with that information.

She now owed him… something. He hadn’t mentioned it again. Lois wondered if he’d thought about it, if he had something in mind that he was going to ask of her.

Thanks for reading!


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Such a great chapter. It was good to see Martha in Smallville, how Lois played lioness protecting Martha and how slowly, Martha's heart thawed. I'm wondering when Lana will come into the picture. Is Lois going to ask Clark about her? Can't wait for that next part.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Thanks for another great chapter! Martha took a giant step forward. Reconnecting with friends and returning to the diner for a meal is the first step in the healing process. Clark is understandably happy.

So there’s gossip/speculation about Clark and Lana. It’s too bad that Lois over heard that but Clark has already lost his heart to Lois. Hopefully the town gossips don’t put a wedge between them.

I can see Clark being happy as a farmer living in Smallville. Now that Lois has brought up the opening at the Daily Planet, maybe he’ll want to pursue that. It will be fun and interesting to see how this plays out. I hope you don’t mind that a part of me is hoping that Lois will choose farm life.

Thanks for a wonderful story! I love it and can’t wait for more!

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I wonder what the gossip was about. They were talking about wedding, but it doesn't look like Clark is involved with Lana (thankfully). Anyway, he's already smitten with Lois. Looking forward to seeing them spending more time together. love

Clark wants to work for the Planet, but it doesn't seem likely that he's going to leave his mother living alone at the farm. I wonder how this will play out. confused


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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So great to see Lois finally being able to crack Martha's shell a bit mor eopen again. Keeping your social connections can be hard but it's so important. Though I can also see how it would be uncomfortable to do so after shutting yourself up for so long...especially in a small town like SV where everyone knows everyone and what happened to them. That's a disadvatage of the small town life there I guess.
Also while it might seem odd at the first glance tha tLois would be able to get through to Marthan when Clark was not within a whole year, sometimes you just need an influence form the outside who is not personally involved themselves in the matter, in this case Jonathan's death. Like, Clark constantly reminds her of Jonathan in many things he does, I'm sure. So Lois credibly has an easier time there.
Hmm, something tells me that wasn't the last we have seen of Anton Guerra (interesting name choice btw. For those who don't know: guerra = span. for "war"). So what's up with that guy and Clark? Ah, I'm sure we will find out...eventually...
Nice to get some background info on Clark's prior life. So he actually did his world tours and started thinking about a journalist carreer but then chose to stay for the sake of his dad to spend time with him. I totally get that. And he seems to be mor einto farming compared to canon!CLark anyways, so that helped for sure.
As much as the farm currently is what Lois needes to relax and all, I still like how she admits that ultimately, farm life is probably not made for her, as a permanent solution, cause that seems very in character.
Now, the question is who will crack and change ocupations first: Clark, or Lois. :-)

Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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bakas My thinking is that Martha and Clark have been caught in a rut. It's now time to start moving on a little, but Martha does know how to do it. The arrival of Lois instigated some much-needed change.
Songbird I don't mind at all that you're hoping Lois will choose farm life. That would be my decision - but then I'm not a top investigative reporter.
Andreia Re how long this will play out - This story is 16 chapters, which will get us to a sort of conclusion. The second story will get the final conclusion.
Nick Re Anton Guerra. Some may remember that my muse is called Goo after a favourite footballer called Brent Guerra. Yes, I did know it means war. Anton's name is a nod to Goo, the muse. And maybe there will be a little bit of war in there too.

Thanks so much for the feedback. It is much appreciated.


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Hi Corrina!

As they sat down at the table laden with knives, boards, huge pots and almost endless apples, Martha said, “Would you still like to buy some more clothes?”
For dome reason I’m flashing to Martha first selling Lois some clothes, then a timeshare farm, and then farming equipment.

Lois turned her concentration to the apples. Inside, she was celebrating. And she couldn’t wait to share the news with Clark.
Awww… operation “Cheering Martha” is working!

Every head turned towards them. Every face registered surprise. Every mouth smiled.

Martha stalled.
/taps foot/ what’s the secret here?

Maisie wrote down their order, looked at Martha, and opened her mouth to speak.

“And a jug of water with two glasses, please,” Lois said. “Thank you.” The final two words were crisp, with an edge of dismissal.
Protective Lois!

“Are you intending to stay for a while?” Martha asked quickly. “You’re very welcome.”
They need a farmhand willing to help Clark with his nightly chores.

Maisie brushed at a couple of specks on the table. “And one from so far away. It’s wonderful to catch up with distant family.”
Lois so looks like a city girl, huh?
Maisie: … and the Martha imported a professional caregiver for her son. I wouldn’t have believed it myself if I hadn’t seen her sitting there with naked knees!

Five minutes later, a man came through the door, headed to the counter, saw Martha, and sauntered over. “I hear your farmhand has gone,” he said without preamble.
Yes, Sheriff, but there’s no indication that he has cooked drugs in the old shed or taken them to Kansas City to sell to elementary school kids.

“A bit down this year. I’ve finished preserving it.”

“We started the apples yesterday.”

“Have you finished?” Anna asked.

“No. Not yet.”

“I’m about to start on the pears.”
Preservation competition! laugh

And it hadn’t escaped her that if Anna were helping Martha, it could possibly free Lois. Maybe Clark could use some help?

“Clark and Lana…”

“It’ll be one year next month.”
Their break-up?

“Maybe they’re waiting for the first anniversary to make the announcement.”
Oh, look! He might not know about his kryptonian wife, but then his Terran professional caregiver doesn’t know about his Terran engagement either, so it’s all balanced out.

And the fun they’d had choosing new clothes.
She could model them!

She picked up her clock and set the alarm for 3:30am.

He didn’t want to say anything that risked jolting her out of the one-day-at-a-time mindset that had clearly brought her some peace.
It might also trigger a fight or flight reflex, light on the fight.

It was obvious she was pleased about something. Clark’s heart rate accelerated. Was she about to tell him she’d decided to leave? To return to her life in Metropolis? “Go on,” he said.
Yes, that would please her to no end.

“Yes.” Lois looked down at the hay. Maybe, she was staying for a while. Clark quickly reached for the folded blanket and placed it neatly on the bale. Lois smiled her thanks and sat down.
It’s adorable how the male hawk prepares the nest for his female hawk smile1

Clark grinned. “Farm clothes. Did you buy anything?”

“A few things.”
He’d like for Lois the model the straw hat. And perhaps the dungarees.

Why would a city girl need farm clothes?
For farm work. And/or enticing farm boys.

Lois was awesome. She had managed to do in five days what he had failed to do in almost eleven months.
Poor guy. Also… /does math/ will the story go for five or more weeks? help because “almost eleven months” is quite the emotional Checkov’s Gun.

“I guess not,” she said. “I guess there are a lot of things out of your control. Weather. Babies. That sort of thing.”
And not to forget Loises.

“Some things are bigger than we are.”
/points at Bess/

Lois’s mouth dropped open in surprise. “No!” she said. “The sex of the calf can’t affect the hair on her head.”
Wonder if that also works with Loises.

“The truth is unbelievable.”
He’d want to be a firefighting pilot.

And I dreamed of being a reporter at The Daily Planet.”

The ‘Farm Boy’ had been the final straw. He was powerless now and would be powerless to keep from falling in love with her over and over and over again.
Awwww. This also poses a conundrum.

“I had decided to return to the States, and then my dad had a heart attack.”
Hey! You said he didn’t!

Lois’s hand rested lightly on his. “Is that when he passed away?”

“No. I looked after the farm while he recovered. Then we worked it together.”

“There’s no one else?” Clark asked.

“Just me,” she said. “I don’t have anyone else.”
He’s probably doing cartwheels now.

Clark’s heart splintered as he clenched his arms to stop from drawing her close and telling her she had him and he would be there for her whenever she needed, whatever she needed.
Yeah, this might trigger a flight or FLIGHT response.

The mention of that name was like a splash of cold water. “He’s the editor of the local paper.”

“That’s why he wants you to work for him.”

“When did you meet Anton?” Clark asked, trying to keep his tone even.

“Today. He came over in the café and told Martha his door was always open.”
So, Lois should not tell him she’s newspaper royalty, huh?

Martha his door was always open.”

“I will never work for him.”

Clark had never thought of it that way. “You could be right,” he said.

“I am right.”

“You like being right, don’t you?”

. I want you in my life forever. You’re beautiful.
He could freeze her?

I love you.

Activate hill-run protocol.

“There’s a position vacant at The Daily Planet at present. I could have a word with Perry White on your behalf if you wanted me to.”

. “But I honestly couldn’t say if that would increase your chances of getting the job or utterly destroy them.”

whether he farmed or whether he worked at The Daily Planet or any other newspaper – it was immaterial.

The only thing that mattered was being with Lois.

So, you’re dropping hint after hint. /eyes half-finished painting/ Hmm… /re-arranges parts/ This is going to be a fine Picasso!

wave Michael

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“Let’s go in for lunch,” Martha said, her concentration on the apples.
That's such a lovely little human detail, for Martha not to be looking the scary thing in the face as she suggests it!

Inside, she was celebrating. And she couldn’t wait to share the news with Clark.

The final two words were crisp, with an edge of dismissal.
Good girl! Love protective Lois!

“Tell me about their clothes.”
It's just SUCH a clever twist to pivot Lois' interviewing skills to grief counseling (like with Clark in the last chapter) and calming methods (like with Martha here). It's such a natural move and works so well.

“Not a chance.” They shared a smile and continued their lunch.

She closed her eyes and kept her ears wide open.
Really nice trick of the trade popping in here!

“Can’t wait for another wedding.”
Nooooooooooooo. I was so worried about all the issues on Lois' side I didn't even thiiiiiink about Lana. Nice place to drop this in - great structuring!

She picked up her clock and set the alarm for 3:30am.
Yes! I love her making good choices! This is such a Lois Lane move.

In the past, Clark and his dad would have celebrated with lemonades on the front porch, enjoying the satisfaction of a productive day.
Your version of Jonathan is so nostalgic, and it's really once of my favorites. I love that he's taught Clark to celebrate successes and enjoy the little things like this. Such a great detail.

And that felt like a huge dark cloud just waiting to descend onto Clark’s colourless life.
Ugh... this is so crushing. So well phrased!

“It’s the farm manager,” she said with a grin.
rotflol Love this callback!

It was obvious she was pleased about something. Clark’s heart rate accelerated. Was she about to tell him she’d decided to leave? To return to her life in Metropolis? “Go on,” he said.
I love that you work in his fears and worries like this, even when we know what's really happening.

His heart soared with sweet anticipation. “Are you offering?”
What a Casanova, lol.

“I would not be a good farmer,” she said. “I like to control everything.”
I sincerely wonder how much of this is a trauma reaction to her childhood, and how much control she'd still really want to hold onto after a few months on the farm with Clark.

“Perry – my editor – always says there is no room for sentiment if you want success.”
“Maybe there’s a little room.”

Darn right. And such great characterization coming from Clark.

“Like you dream of being a corrupt businessman, doing shady deals. Or a career criminal. Or a drug dealer. Thief. Murderer.”
He would be dreaming of being Lex Luthor?

The ‘Farm Boy’ had been the final straw.
Awwwww. love

"I knew that time spent away from the farm was time not spent with my dad. And one day, I knew I might regret that.”
That's just this character all over.

“But I honestly couldn’t say if that would increase your chances of getting the job or utterly destroy them.”

Leaving Clark grappling with the certain knowledge that whether he farmed or whether he worked at The Daily Planet or any other newspaper – it was immaterial.
The only thing that mattered was being with Lois.
I love how sure he is. This whole chapter is so sweet, as we rise and fall with his hopes. But I do wonder if Martha will still factor in here, even as besotted as he is now.

Can't wait to read on! This story is somehow at once calming and compelling!

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