Hi Corrina!
And his biceps… well, they were out and out spectacular.
Cute Seinfeld reference!
The caring nature, the gentleness with the animals, the work ethic, the knowledge and capability, the strength of character, the terrific smile, the toned body… it was an enticing combination.
And the whole package can be yours for just 9.95!
Why wasn’t he married? Did he have a girlfriend? Why hadn’t the local women noticed him right under their noses?
Prefers men.
Prospective mother-in-law still alive.
But they could still call each other.
By landline? /pulls out mobile phone/
Had he spent any time thinking about her, Lois?
She should stay away from his sketch book.
Less than a week after deciding she would never again trust another man, Lois was close to trusting Clark Kent.
Danger! Danger!
Not with her heart, obviously.

about fifty yards away, eight tall poles reached up from a level patch of ground. “What are they for?” she asked.
Clark looked in the direction she pointed. “That’s a project I started with Dad,” he said.
Are they building a spaceship launch platform?
“Great idea,” Lois said, conscious of her hand still on his back.

“We got the poles in and were hoping to get it done before last winter.”
This sorta reminds me of stuck fanfic writing

He smiled at her enthusiasm. “Shade or sunshine?”
“Sunshine,” Lois said, taking off her jacket.
He must be falling in love all over again!
CLARK: sunshine!

Is the position at The Daily Planet vacant because you left?
Someone’s perceptive! Also, cute how that’s only the second question after asking about Jack.
Are you still hurting?
How can I help?
Is there any chance you could fall in love with a simple farmer from Kansas?
“I will never forget my time here,” Lois said.
Wanda Detroit, a farm girl in the big city.

“You said there was a vacancy at The Daily Planet.”
“There is. Are you interested?”
“No. But I’m wondering if the vacancy was your position.”
She hesitated, but only for a moment. “Yes. It was.”
There there
She shrugged. “I made mistakes.”
Poor dear!
I told him that if he didn’t publish, I would leave.”
“Did he publish?”
“You left?”
Dark memories churned through her expression. “Yes,” she said. “But not because of Perry. I left because…”
“Have you spoken to Perry since you left Metropolis?”
“Do you think you should?” he asked gently.
Also. I wonder if she already looked at the Daily Planet and the front page stating “Reporter Missing!”
“Jack doesn’t know you?” Clark gasped, as a significant number of his imagined scenarios dissolved.
Going ring shopping in his mind?
“I guess I owe you an explanation.”
/taps foot/
“I think Jack Mackenzie is the result of one of my father’s affairs.”

not in a million words. This is just like The Wedding Wall, when we discussed someone’s apparent fixation with sheep. Oh, you’re good!
“I don’t think you’ve got the right Jack Mackenzie.”
“Why not?”
“Jack’s Australian. He comes from a dairy farm in Victoria – a farm he works with his parents.”
There was shock on her face. Perhaps disappointment, too. She gave a cold, grim chuckle. “I got that wrong, too.”

She turned to him then and smiled softly. “And I would have missed out on canning tomatoes and sewing up steers and all sorts of other farm experiences.”
Indeed. And she’s still missing the rolling in the hay experience.
LANA: It’s overrated.
RACHEL: You need to bring a blanket.
The acrimony was still there, but it was less intense because they only saw each other when they were swapping my sister and me between them like unwanted luggage.”
I know it’s meant to be sad and stuff, but it’s a hilarious image.
“Yes. Lucy. She’s three years younger than I am. She got away as soon as she could. She lives in Texas with her third husband.”
/tries to do math/
I know you mentioned that it’s not following the shows timeline, but even when Lois is 27 by now, that means Lucy got married three times by the time she was 24.
“My family… we have special skills in making the OK bad and the bad horrendous.”

“I don’t think so. There’s an agency in Metropolis that helps adopted kids and their birth parents find each other if that’s what they want.”
“Jack was adopted?”
What if Jack isn’t a love child but one of her Dad’s cloning experiments who either didn’t measure up and was brought to a church or was ‘rescued’ by a well-meaning lab tech? Who knows, Jack might be Lois’s fraternal twin, with only one X-chromosome flipped.
Too dark?
“Not as rough as finding your family and then discovering they bring nothing but heartache.”
“Lois, I’m so sorry.”
Clark was still trying to work out how he could hold her without crowding her when Lois stood and patted his shoulder. “We have a chicken house to fix, don’t we?” She offered her hand to haul him up.
Poor dear! Good at distancing though.
and not destroyed his friendship with the woman he loved.

The highlight, for Lois anyway, had been when Clark had climbed onto the roof. He’d done it easily, seemingly with little effort, leaving Lois a little breathless.
It’s almost as if gravity only has no tangible hold on him.
In hindsight, it had been too easy. She should have realised.
No kidnapping. No vat of boiling oil. Must be a false trail.
Lois walked back to the house, her mind full of the memory of Clark – competent, warm, safe, caring, gentle, strong, understanding.
And a farmer who lived in Kansas.
So, she doesn’t want to lose the friendship of the man she loves?

Clark stared at the columns of numbers before him but not one of them registered in his mind that was filled with so much else.
Lois here.
What she’d left behind in Metropolis.
Oh boy.
The man had had Lois’s affection, maybe her love, and he’d used her for his own gain, putting her career in jeopardy in the process.
The fiend! Can we dangle Claude from the roof now?
Could he eke out another couple of days to add to his memory bank?
He could research?
The calf had been in a good position when Clark had looked through Bess’s side earlier.
Cute little mention of casual use of powers.
He couldn’t really be in love with her.
Could he?
He was.
He was sure he was.
And he was sure he always would be.
Another sweet part! And I gather in the next part the cow comes home?
