Hi Corrina!
Clark shook his head. “Not unless…”
“You know you can’t, Clark. It’s too risky. We could lose everything.”
He could tell Lois that they managed much more than she thought?
How will you explain to Lois if hay suddenly appears in the barn?”
“See? You did all that. You were right. I was wrong.”
Guilt that he had allowed her to do the heavy work that he could have done in the blink of an eye.
He might want to refrain from explaining that to Lois.
Martha had always worried how another woman in the family would affect… everything.
Would Clark insist on telling her his secret?
Would she support Martha in guarding every potential action that could cause someone to suspect Clark was more than he appeared?
/Eyes tv show Lana/
You know, I wonder if Martha was that way before she lost her husband. Seems like transference of Jonathan’s fears compounded with her own loss.
“Clark might have found his girl, Jonathan,” she muttered. “She’s perfect for him. But I’m terrified about what it might mean.”
“I want to. I wouldn’t sleep yet anyway. I’ve only just eaten. I need to wind down.”
Aaaahhhh… first winding up in the barn and then letting the afterglow lull her to sleep

“I wouldn’t sleep either,” he said quickly.
Nope, he would be making more hay.
“Turn around.”
“Excuse me?”
“Turn around.” She made a circular motion with her hand.
Are you sure you want to massage his rock-hard muscles?
Clark turned to face the wall of the loft. He heard Lois shuffle, and then her hands landed on his shoulders, and she started to massage him.
Apparently, she is.
Lois’s hands lifted from him, and she sprang up from the bale. “She mentioned your dad?” she said, her eyes glistening with excitement. “That’s wonderful.”
He stared at her, feeling a little bit intoxicated by the genuine joy and excitement in her face. “You have worked wonders,” he said.
Awwwww, Lois recognizing what he’s thinking

Lois stopped massaging him and hung her hands over his shoulders, resting on her elbows. “Both of my parents called Lucy in the past week. They just wanted to throw dirt at the other. Neither mentioned me.”
Sounds perfectly lovely.
“I don’t think ‘wise’ fits anywhere into this mess,” Lois said.
Now, is this a find-the-word game where you look for words that match the theme and use ‘wise’ as part of the word’s spelling?
Women like Lois Lane weren’t interested in men like Clark Kent.
City women?
Human women?
CLARK: yes.
And that was without the whole abnormal, alien aspect.

Also, ‘abnormal’, not just ‘alien’. Poor dear!
Clark could feel his tension creep over him again. “What did she want?”
Lois chuckled a little. “Our date worked.”
Adorable bit (somehow).
And he wouldn’t have an explanation for Lois tomorrow morning.
Maybe if he weaved some into a crop circle, he could point out that it must have been aliens?
Maybe she would offer again tomorrow. Maybe she would let him massage her shoulders again.

“Clark, it’s Jack. There’s rain coming.”

Leaving the door open, he walked a few steps closer to the bed.
“That’s wonderful, Clark. He’ll be able to help with the hay.”
Now I wonder, will Clark do some hay at superspeed and pretend to Lois that it was Jack’s help?
“Yes, I do,” she said. “We have hay to bring in.”
Look who’s a big farm girl now!
And that cast a dark cloud over everything.
It’s what he gets for not “making hay” earlier.
It was Lucy’s face – masculinised – looking back at her.
Could be a coincidence. It does not mean he’s a frog-based experiment of her father’s.
Their family of four – fractured and dysfunctional – had a fifth member who was silent, unseen and unknown.
What did Jack know?
You know, I just realized – one of the lexlings was also Australian. And while this one is so by author’s happenstance, one does have to wonder. (Not really

Lois smiled. “I’ll be OK, Martha. Clark won’t let me do too much.”
“Of course, I’m going to do this. We can deal with everything else once the hay is in the barn.”
It’s called compartmentalization and is how she can be tied up and get the story at the same time.
He squeezed her hand and got out of the truck. Lois switched to the driver’s side, and they began.
You, it’s good that part 16 is already out
