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And that's the end of this one!
I really loved this story. The first Undercover Reporter started out in a very dark place. I was set on not reuniting Lois and Clark, but then their final scene together wrote itself one night and I couldn't keep them apart. And then, I was set on letting our imaginations wrap up their ending on bringing Clark back once Lois had sorted out the truth. Thank you to everyone who commented on the first story (some of you incensed, lol), to encourage me to give the undercover reporting team a chance to work out bringing Clark back.

As of now, this is the end of the UR universe. I don't have another story or plot point in mind for them (though I didn't plan to write Resurrection, either! So if your comments give me a good idea, it may pop up one day.) I do have two other long stories like this in progress. One is nearly complete and I'll likely post next year.

Thank you to everyone who has read along in real time, commented, found typos, quoted their favorite lines and generally supported this story. And thank you to those of you who haven't read yet, but may one day! I appreciate you all!

Please feel free to send any constructive criticism my way.
And if you especially like any particular bits, I'm always thrilled to know!

As always, thanks to Sara for her a fantastic beta-job - as I always edit after we're done, any errors here are mine. But her help really shaped Clark's side of this journey and made the story what it is. I'm so, so grateful for her help.

The story ends here: Undercover Reporter: Resurrection (17/17)
And the full index is here (Mike, thank you for all the updates!): Undercover Reporter: Resurrection Index

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Beat Reporter
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What a great ending! I love this story but I’m sad to see it end. I’m very thankful that you decided to write it. I’m hopeful that someday you’ll write again in this universe.

I wasn’t surprised that Perry knew that Clark was Superman. I always felt like he knew in the series. Perry did a good job of not letting on to Lois & Clark that he knew. Their article, especially if they end up with a Pulitizer, is strong enough to throw off any doubters that Clark was in Africa. With all the work they did, they were able to create a believable return of Clark.

Thanks again for a wonderful story! I enjoyed every moment I spent reading it. I can’t wait for your next story! Next year isn’t far off!

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I'm a huge fan of Perry knowing the secret, but keeping it to himself. This was such a perfect ending to this story. I really loved it and how it ended with Clark finally returning to the Planet and, more importantly, his life with Lois.

Thanks so much for writing and sharing this story.

It's never too dark to be cool. cool
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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What a beautiful ending! 😍 We wish them all the best.

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Hi Evie!

His life felt worthwhile because of the difference he’d made, stray India ink clinging to his cuffs over all forty of those years. He inhaled again, looking forward to a new day, a fresh chance.
Great piece of mood clap

and resolved that today would be the day he filled that open city reporter position.
He just needs someone qualified. Perhaps that board member’s nephew? Ralph Something?

The kid ought to get into the practice now of locking the editor’s office. It was a habit that would serve Jimmy well in the future, if Perry’s plans for the kid came to fruition.
laugh been reading the Home series lately?

“Great shades of Elvis,” he gasped, one hand over his heart. “You
 you’re supposed to be dead!”
Reading this just before Halloween laugh

He’d waited as long as he could for them to come up with some wild — wild, but plausible

Perry had been worried enough for them both that Alice had been worried about him. Lois had been so broken those first few months after Clark had been shot, he’d nearly called the hero down from the skies himself to shake some sense into the man.
PERRY: yodelidado!

After all, he wasn’t the editor of the Daily Planet because he could yodel.
/Points up/

Still, he braced himself for the conversation, sending up a prayer to the patron saint of fast-talking reporters.
Probably one does one charge. Probably more than enough for a single saint.

From the look on Lois’ face, this one ought to be a doozy.
Also, now I’m thinking, what if Perry had to tell Lois the truth about her dead partner? evil

“And, uh, did the Planet get the exclusive?” he inquired, holding onto his Editor Voice with a tight grip.
See? Just focus on the important stuff and nobody, not even Perry, would question the validity of the rest of the story.

This story wasn’t just a doozy.

It was a humdinger.
So, about the zombie thing
PERRY: It’s Halloween. Nobody cares about one more zombies.

, “And you’ve actually been to Africa? This is for real?”
Yes, he has been to Africa. Yes, this is for real.

Lois jumped in to answer. “It’s for real. Chow and Nigel did everything we’re accusing them of.

Perry had to stifle another grin.

That hadn’t exactly been his question.
/Points up/

The buzz from the gunrunning story and the broader context to beware billionaires that they’d woven together
“Mr. Wayne? Vicky Vale, Gotham Gazette. I’m here to get that in depth interview you have been dodging.” /pulls out Daily Planet/ “And if you don’t want to talk to me, I’m sure Lane and Kent would love to do an outside story about you.”

“That’s assuming you’re back with us, son.”
The Met Star made overtures. They even offered a female, blonde partner.

wasn’t every day that one of his surrogate kids came back from the dead.
/Points at Lois/

Even though Lois sure gave it a run for the money just about once a week.
/Points up/

“He’s staying with me from now on,” Lois answered,

Today really had been the day he’d finally filled the open city reporter position.

Perry smirked. It figured that Superman would be the only one able to keep up with her.

They looked like they were ready to take on whatever the new day brought them.
So, we got time travelers, clones, curses, wedding destroyers, amnesia, and abusive psychiatrists. Oh, and a wife.
LOIS: dizzy

They looked like they were ready to take on whatever the new day brought them.

But most of all, they looked incandescently happy.

And from the pear-cut ring that sparkled on Lois’ left hand, his favorite reporting team was about to make things even more interesting in his bullpen.
Oh? When did you that happen? wildguy spider

And he couldn’t wait to see what was in store for them next.
/Points at above list/

This was another great story, Evie! A great sequel and completely different from the first (good thing!)

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.
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So sorry to see this wonderful series come to an end. Really did a deep dive into this story. Still cannot believe that Lois lay in the sidewalk as a smelly bum doing a serious stakeout. That's what I call moxie! Anyhow, these are my thoughts.

Perry White walked into the darkened offices of the Daily Planet, silhouetted in the early morning light of dawn. Stepping onto the ramp, he inhaled deeply. He loved the smell of India ink in the morning. Like an old, loyal confidant, it had greeted him every day for the last forty years.

Great way to start the story with Perry coming into the office at Zero-dark-thirty to the smell of India ink.

“Great shades of Elvis,” he gasped, one hand over his heart. “You
 you’re supposed to be dead!”

The not-dead-man darted a glance to the woman sitting beside him.

“Well, see, Chief, not exactly,” she said, standing.

What a jolt! Better than a double shot expresso.

But over the last couple of months, Lois had an edge back to her writing and a lilt back in her step, and he’d known something had changed for his protegĂ©s. He’d started to watch her every time she headed out to wage her crusade against the defunct but Hydra-like Luthor Corp, looking for any clue to gauge whether his second-favorite reporter might come home to his desk in the bullpen any time soon. So while it surprised him to see his most precocious investigative team in his office this morning, it wasn’t entirely unexpected.

After all, he wasn’t the editor of the Daily Planet because he could yodel.

Hydra? Aren't those bad guys from another universe? Morgana goes looking for Steve Rogers...

Perry knows. So why does he keep it a big secret? huh

Perry held up a hand. “Hold on, now. Just let me get this straight. You got a tip on gun smugglers from the Congo. So you ran the investigation from this end, and Clark’s been running his side of the investigation in Africa for nearly a year?”

He thought Clark looked worried. Naturally, with full bravado, Lois confirmed, “Yep!”

He ran a hand over his mouth to conceal a grin.

That was a doozy.

I love it when a plan comes together!

The hottest team in town was back together and ready for action. Perry was about to publish a story that looked as hard-hitting as any he’d seen before. And from the pear-cut ring that sparkled on Lois’ left hand, his favorite reporting team was about to make things even more interesting in his bullpen.

Hey, where did the ring come from? LOL! Thank you for a satisfying wrap up to a fabulous story. TOGOM is a pivotal part in the LnC series and this fic is one of the best treatments of that episode.

Last edited by Morgana; 11/02/24 02:01 PM. Reason: Edits


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I loved getting Perry's POV to wrap up the story. Sometimes an outside perspective rings the perfect bell and you got it just right (having Perry secretly be in the know made it even better).

I didn't comment on the other chapters so let me make up for that a bit. This has been such a great read. Clark can be so stubborn. He is so self-sacrificing but he doesn't see it. Only when Lois tries to sacrifice her own career and lofe in Metropolis does he recognize how ridiculous he's being.
Glad Lois found a semi-plausible story for them to go with. Does it have holes? Sure. But people aren't going to be looking for holes.
And even if someone did and figured it out - they can get through it together.

This was a very satisfying reworking of TOGOM and I can't wait to see what you write next.

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I'm sad that this story is over, but happy because I love happy endings.

He’d waited as long as he could for them to come up with some wild — wild, but plausible — story to sort this all out and restore his newsroom to optimal working order. Perry had been worried enough for them both that Alice had been worried about him. Lois had been so broken those first few months after Clark had been shot, he’d nearly called the hero down from the skies himself to shake some sense into the man.

But over the last couple of months, Lois had an edge back to her writing and a lilt back in her step, and he’d known something had changed for his protegĂ©s. He’d started to watch her every time she headed out to wage her crusade against the defunct but Hydra-like Luthor Corp, looking for any clue to gauge whether his second-favorite reporter might come home to his desk in the bullpen any time soon. So while it surprised him to see his most precocious investigative team in his office this morning, it wasn’t entirely unexpected.

After all, he wasn’t the editor of the Daily Planet because he could yodel.
Perry knows! hyper It sure made their task easier.

When he finished reading through the second time, he asked Clark, “And you’ve actually been to Africa? This is for real?”

Lois jumped in to answer. “It’s for real. Chow and Nigel did everything we’re accusing them of. Lex, too. The DA’s office is going to start issuing subpoenas, if they haven’t already.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s been a couple of hours since we checked in with Henderson.”

Perry had to stifle another grin.

That hadn’t exactly been his question.
whistle whistle

“Kent,” Perry caught him nearly out the door, ”Where should accounting send your paycheck? You still at your old place?”

“He’s staying with me from now on,” Lois answered, intertwining her hand with his and pulling her partner through the door.
Awww! love

And he couldn’t wait to see what was in store for them next.
Thanks for this great story! clap I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next. wink


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
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