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Good Night, Lois – Neverland
“Come back, Clark” she whispers between sobs. “Please, come back.”
Her hands curl around the fabric of her pillow that must already be soaked by her tears.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to find the resolve it takes to keep hovering like I did the other nights. If I were serious about staying away, I probably wouldn't be here in the first place. Why am I torturing myself like this? What am I trying to accomplish coming back here every night since our first chance encounter?
Dream myself into a family I can't have?
For some reason I can't even understand, I find myself gravitating towards Lois.
And the more distressed her sobs sound, the harder it becomes to ignore her plea.
Her parents didn't invite me here. They don't even know I exist. But they're downstairs fighting and it kills me to listen, just like I know it kills Lois.
My heart shatters more with every harsh word being said down there, with every gut wrenching sob that shakes her body.
I can't stand it anymore. It's either leave or do something about it.
I let out a shaky breath.
As if I could leave.
I've come too late once.
I don't want anyone else to endure that kind of pain. Not even a tiny fraction of it. Particularly not Lois.
All windows in the immediate area are closed, all except one. She's waiting for me down there. She's been waiting ever since that first night a few weeks ago.
But I have no business being here.
Lois is not my daughter, she's not my sister. We're not even friends.
“Clark, please,” she begs again.
She's crying so hard.
And nobody seems to care.
The harsh words are just getting louder, angrier.
I've been there - listening to so many arguments I’ve lost count.
This isn't about me, I remind myself.
Lois is the one who's hurting.
Her sobs turn to whimpers, her whole body is shaking so hard the bed is rattling with the force of it.
I can't stand back any longer.
Checking one last time that nobody's watching, I drift lower and tap on her window.
Lois looks up, her tear streaked checks glistening in the faint light. Another sob racks her body, but then she wipes off her tears and a smile blossoms on her lips.
“You came,” she whispers, sniffing. “You really came.”
“Yes.” Suddenly I'm ashamed of myself. I promised her I'd return. That hadn't been fair. “Why are you crying?*
Lois sniffs again. “Mom and Dad are fighting because of me.”
She lowers her gaze in shame and it tears me apart.
“Not because of you.” I want to add some sort of endearment, anything to alleviate her pain, but it doesn't feel right. We hardly know each other. “I'm sure.”
Lois shakes her head. “It all started because of me. A boy at the playground took away Lucy’s shovel. And I told him to give it back, but he just pushed me away. So I hit him and he hit me back. Then his Mommy came and yelled at me.” Her eyes fill with fresh tears. She sobs again. “And my Mommy came too, and yelled at me, and said I should stop hitting the boy. They didn't even listen when I tried to tell them this was all about Lucy's shovel…”
Her lower lip trembles and she rubs her nose on her sleeve.
“I think my Daddy knows the Daddy of this stupid boy, because when Daddy came home, he already knew what had happened and yelled at me all over again.” More tears run down her cheeks and I want nothing more than to scoop her up in my arms and soothe her. “I tried to explain, but they just sent me upstairs. And now they're fighting.”
For a moment I listen to what is being said downstairs. If this was ever really about what Lois did at the playground, her parents’ fight has long since veered off into a completely different direction. They’re arguing for argument’s sake.
“This is not about you,” I say again. “Sometimes grown-ups argue. Whatever's going on down there, it's not your fault. You were brave stepping up to the bully.”
She purses her lips, her jaw suddenly set in grim determination. “I hate bullies.”
“Yeah, so do I.”
My heart clenches as I remember my last foster father. When he came home drunk, he sought out one of us to vent his frustration on. Most of the time I provoked him so he’d pick me rather than one of the others. His beatings didn't hurt, unlike the words he whispered in my ear while I let him beat me up until, one day, he broke his arm on me.
That was when I knew I had to leave.
“Can you tell me another story?” Lois' brilliant smile is back, chasing away the dark memories.
I might not know my place in this world, but right now I'm exactly where I should be.
I return her smile. “Sure. Any story in particular you want to hear?”
“How did you come to Neverland?”
I feel a lump in my throat. Neverland? Do I even have a Neverland? It's definitely not my recent past where I'm all alone and isolated. Neverland is supposed to be a happy place full of adventures with fairies and mermaids.
Perhaps the Kent farm was as close to Neverland as I ever got.
“Well, I was still a baby when I got there. My parents knew they couldn't care for me any longer. So they put me in a ship that brought me there.”
It was the place where I had really been a child, free and careless, at least as careless as my life allows me to be.
Yeah, the Kents were my Neverland and I really wish I could return.
She yawns and slips underneath her covers. “Tell me more about Neverland.”
And I tell her about my happy days on the farm, about picking apples, collecting strawberries and eating pie. And while I'm talking, her eyelids flutter close.
I smile as I watch the sleeping girl. “Good night, Lois.”
Last edited by bakasi; 11/08/24 02:58 AM.
It's never too dark to be cool.
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Songbird |
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This is my contribution to the Ficlet Friday anniversary. I hope we will enjoy a few more years of this tradition. Feedback can go here. TOC
It's never too dark to be cool.
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Beat Reporter
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Awww, that was heart-wrenching. Poor Lois. I get the whole "don't beat other kids even if they are jerks" thing, but like...its also important ot at least hear your kids side of the story and weigh these things in. But its Sam and Ellen so...eh. I'm sure they, like Clakr said, have gone on to some other topic lon gago, but Lois neither knows nor unddrstands this yet, that they just used her recent "adventure" as a catalyst to blame each other for...all sorts of things. And poor CLakr as well. HE's so lonely and the fact the only person he seems to feel comfortable around is a five-year-old, is telling. Not that he feels entirely comfortable though. He very much realizes the more...ah...problematic aspects of the situation. ANd he also knows that the more he will return, the more Losi expects him to continue, and the bigger the temptation to do so is for him. But also when he doesn't, it will make Lois sad too and he also doesn't want that. So whatever he does, there's no way to win for either of them. It's really a mess, all around. You'd think foster care parents would be ckecked out more for their qualifications and such. But I assume, thats not always the case so long as they can get the kids somewhere and "out of the way" in some regions... There's a reason why Canon Clakr is such a positive perosn overall and why this one is...really not. Just shows the impact J&M had on his life. Enjoyed this again! Now, have to go off to do my own writing...
Up, up and away - to the next fanfic.
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bakasi |
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ah! My heart was breaking for Lois!
I’m kinda glad she hit the boy back? That’s our Lois!
I’m glad Clark has SOME happy childhood memories.
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bakasi |
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Thank you both so much for leaving feedback. You'd think foster care parents would be ckecked out more for their qualifications and such. But I assume, thats not always the case so long as they can get the kids somewhere and "out of the way" in some regions... I figured that no matter how much effort you put into checking out people, there's always something that could happen to make a situation turn for worse, like lay-offs or problems in a relationship. Alcohol can change people in the worst way.
It's never too dark to be cool.
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Poor Lois! That was heart breaking. It figures that Sam and Ellen wouldn’t even listen to Lois’s side of the story. Their fight was never really about her.
Poor Clark! He had a bad childhood too, at least after he lost the Kent’s. Lois’s pain probably hits him hard because he can relate. It’s sweet that he can weave a story about Neverland based on when he was happy on the Kent farm.
I enjoyed this and I can’t wait for more! Thank you!
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Finally caught up with this and the prequel, and am so fascinated by this universe! More please?
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Yay! Finally getting a chance to comment about this awesome ficlet. My heart shatters more with every harsh word being said down there, with every gut wrenching sob that shakes her body.
I can't stand it anymore. It's either leave or do something about it. With these two lines Clark's world of pain comes crashing down. So much imagery fills my mind of the solitary life and empty life he leads. Then the story changes because he starts talking to Lois and calming her down. And I tell her about my happy days on the farm, about picking apples, collecting strawberries and eating pie. And while I'm talking, her eyelids flutter close.
I smile as I watch the sleeping girl. “Good night, Lois.” Perfect. It doesn't get better than this.
A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.
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Lois situation and Clark’s past had me close to tears. It‘s good that they are not alone. There is someone who will listen to them and can relate to some degree. Yeah, I can see them becoming friends.
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Joined: Jun 2006
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Finally caught up with this and the prequel, and am so fascinated by this universe! More please? I see what I can do about that. I have a few ideas. Not quite sure yet where this is leading. With these two lines Clark's world of pain comes crashing down. So much imagery fills my mind of the solitary life and empty life he leads. Then the story changes because he starts talking to Lois and calming her down. Alt-Clark sure is a tragic character. I don't think the interaction between a Lois and our Clark would work like this. He'd be cautious because he wants to protect his parents. This Clark doesn't need to care about anyone. Lois situation and Clark’s past had me close to tears. It‘s good that they are not alone. There is someone who will listen to them and can relate to some degree. Yeah, I can see them becoming friends. They can help one another with the challenges they both have to face. 
Last edited by bakasi; 11/17/24 04:58 AM.
It's never too dark to be cool.
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Boards Chief Administrator Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Hi Barbara! So good to see more of this newest (fledgling) epic  *JK*! Also this post can serve as an entry to the November FDK Scavenger Hunt – Fairy Tales and Myths. I originally want to dig into the fanfic history, but then realized, there’s current fic with an active author out there! Good Night, Lois – Neverland So, this story (and it’s series) is an homage to Peter Pan, as seen by ‘Neverland’, and flying boys, orphaned as babies. What am I trying to accomplish coming back here every night since our first chance encounter? Trying to get arrested? Dream myself into a family I can't have? Oh, no Kents, either? Her sobs turn to whimpers, her whole body is shaking so hard the bed is rattling with the force of it.
I can't stand back any longer.
Checking one last time that nobody's watching, I drift lower and tap on her window. This is very well written heartwrench. “Not because of you.” I want to add some sort of endearment, anything to alleviate her pain, but it doesn't feel right. We hardly know each other. “I'm sure.” Yes, she’s much too young to cause such fighting. Now, If she where seventeen, with a belly soon to be swollen, and a math grade just barely above passing, *then* the fighting might be about her. Lois shakes her head. “It all started because of me. A boy at the playground took away Lucy’s shovel. And I told him to give it back, but he just pushed me away. So I hit him and he hit me back. Then his Mommy came and yelled at me.” Awww…poor little Lois. Does the Mommy now have blue shins? “And my Mommy came too, and yelled at me, and said I should stop hitting the boy. You know… “stop hitting” instead of “because I hit him and now he’s crying”. I’m sorry, I know this isn’t meant to be funny, but feisty protective pint-sized Mad Dog is just too funny. “I tried to explain, but they just sent me upstairs. And now they're fighting.” It’s all because of those video games she’s allowed to play. Or those murder books she’s allowed to read. Or the news she’s allowed to watch. Or the sugar-rich snacks she’s allowed to eat. His beatings didn't hurt, unlike the words he whispered in my ear while I let him beat me up until, one day, he broke his arm on me. Oops? “Well, I was still a baby when I got there. My parents knew they couldn't care for me any longer. So they put me in a ship that brought me there.” Nice how he skipped ‘space’ in there. Also, how does he know about the space ship? Yeah, the Kents were my Neverland and I really wish I could return. Awww She yawns and slips underneath her covers. “Tell me more about Neverland.”
And I tell her about my happy days on the farm, about picking apples, collecting strawberries and eating pie. And while I'm talking, her eyelids flutter close.
I smile as I watch the sleeping girl. “Good night, Lois.” Awww…it’s a sweet and heartwrenching tale, but one also needs to remember that there is an…age gap.  Michael
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Beat Reporter
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“Come back, Clark” she whispers between sobs. “Please, come back.” Her hands curl around the fabric of her pillow that must already be soaked by her tears. This is so crushing! Dream myself into a family I can't have? ...yes. Oh, poor Clark. “Yes.” Suddenly I'm ashamed of myself. I promised her I'd return. That hadn't been fair. “Why are you crying?* You're doing such a nice job of capturing how he takes the world's problems on his shoulders, in this little microcosm you're building. For a moment I listen to what is being said downstairs. If this was ever really about what Lois did at the playground, her parents’ fight has long since veered off into a completely different direction. They’re arguing for argument’s sake. Ugh, I hate these parents. She purses her lips, her jaw suddenly set in grim determination. “I hate bullies.” “Yeah, so do I.” Love that she's getting here so early in life! His beatings didn't hurt, unlike the words he whispered in my ear while I let him beat me up until, one day, he broke his arm on me. So sad for such layered reasons. Do I even have a Neverland? It's definitely not my recent past where I'm all alone and isolated. Neverland is supposed to be a happy place full of adventures with fairies and mermaids.  The Kents' farm being Neverland also feels like it could be straight out of Barrie's original story. This whole thing is so heart wrenching. I see there are a few more, and I'm eager to keep reading these!