Yay! Ok, I devoured this instantly when you posted but didn't have time to go back and leave any worthwhile feedback until now.

Although their marriage had been required for the signing of the treaty, now that the treaty was signed it seemed that their nuptials had faded into the background.
This so perfectly encapsulates the tone of this kind of thing.
He shrugged and shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know what they were supposed to do now either.
It's nice that you put them in the same boat so early, and nice, too, to see this little bit of communication.
Once again, she was struck by the fact that her mother and sister weren’t there, that she had no bridesmaids or other friends waiting to congratulate her.
Yeah, not sure if it's the Kryptonian part or the state part, but this is nooooot a fun wedding, lol.
Kal gently cupped her cheek with his hand.
FRESH! No, no, just kidding! This whole section is undeniably sweet.
Kal looked torn between laughing and wincing but he managed to keep his voice even as he replied, “Squid ink.”
OMG, even if it's not - what a terrible delicacy!
“Lois,” a voice called. She turned to see her father approaching and felt something in her chest loosen.
Awww. I like that she has a better relationship with her family in this world.
His expression sobered. “I only wish you didn’t have to leave.”
“Oh, sorry. I wandered a bit.”

He's going to need to get used to this one!!
Kal crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head slightly to the side with a smirk. “You think you can handle me, huh?”
Lois returned the smirk with one of her own and patted his chest playfully. “Oh yeah, spaceboy . I’ve got you figured out.”
So cute! Love this reference to the pilot.
Accent or not, he spoke better than many of the boys she’d gone to school with.
So realistic!
“Although I fear his manners are quite lacking as he has failed to introduce us.” Kal sputtered a moment in indignation but Ching did not give him the opportunity to cut in. “Allow me to do the honors – I am Ching-El, brother to this clod you have so unfortunately married.”
LOVE this version of Ching!!
“Mom? Dad?”
“Oh, Clark!” the woman exclaimed as she launched herself forward into Kal’s arms. The man soon joined her and Kal embraced them both as the woman rained kisses on his cheeks and forehead.
Oh my goooodddddd! Yay! I'm so glad that they made it into this story!
“Twenty minutes… it isn’t much, but after all these years… I’ve missed you both so much.”
Great hook! Looking forward to seeing this story unravel!
Just who was this man she had married?
Looking forward to finding out!