Hi CalliopeWayne!
So great to see you posting on the message boards, too

Cold metal dug into Lois’ spine.
She tried to move but chains fastened her down.
Tied up in a story?
They were green and had the acidic stench of kryptonite.
Definitely not a kinky one.
She craned her neck, inwardly recoiling when she saw Clark suspended in a glass chamber. His dead eyes stared at her through the green liquid entombing him.
A sharp pain pricked her stomach. Her cries morphed into screams as blood was drawn out of her womb. “No, please don’t take my baby!”
“Subject 11 is stable. Prepare for extraction,”
Subject 11?
Lois woke with a splitting headache, her mouth tasting like blood.
Dream? How did she get to that dream? She’s not been hanging out with her father-in-law, has she?
“Good morning,” Her husband brushed a kiss on her lips.
“Mornin’, Jax,” Lois replied drowsily.

She stood on a platform a little bigger than a twin bed.
Inside a glass case was ancient, gold goblet.
/Points at Indiana Jones/ Let’s not tell him and hope he doesn’t drink from it.
“Talk about an explosive romance,” she smiled icily. “Your love life is about to go up in smoke.”
“You’re reckless, not suicidal.”
He never read the background column of her stories, did he?
LOIS: That’s called being adventurous.
She ripped Superman’s heart out and crushed it. Clark couldn’t be near Lois without that self-loathing expression darkening his features. He thought she hated him because of what Darkseid made him do. The rest of the world might hate Kal-El, but Lois Lane never could. The lies she let him swallow were kinder than the truth.
Amber Lake rushed to the edge of the platform. “Get back!” she screamed. Lois met Golilocks anger with a challenging smile.
“Mrs. Lane, Step away from the barrier,” Tim Lake said, still eerily composed and calm.
Looks there, she’s testing the conviction of her cage
You’re the honey, honey,” Amanda smirked. “Superman is the bee.”
Good thing they didn’t use Mayson.
MAYSON: Did the reader just call me vinegar?

“Superman doesn’t care about me–I’m just a reporter to him.”
“He’s a human being,” Lois argued. “You can’t keep him locked up like some animal in a zoo!”
He’s an alien menace.
That’s exactly what he is,” Tim said. “An alien specimen that belongs in a museum,”
Oh. What’s the point? All of Batman’s toys were voice activated –
Wouldn’t it be awkward if Clark had the voiceprint, too
“We did it!” Amber embraced her husband gleefully. “The Kryptonian is ours!”
Makes you wonder, if they keep him there until the other New Kryptonians show up and release him because he’s no longer a collector’s item.
Yes!” Finally the lunkhead was understanding her. “You belong with Wonder Woman.”
Funny how that’s what Clark probably calls her in his head.
Tons of emotions! I think I’m missing a prequel, though
