Currently, it was set to show farmland in the evening.
Awwwwww! What a sweet detail!
He somehow missed them more now than he had before their too short visit.
This is so realistic. And I love how much he loves them!
‘She’s nervous too,’ Clark thought to himself. They were back at square one.
It's nice that he reads her this well. It really feels in character.
He knew how she felt – abandoned among strangers with no way home.
That's a really nice comparison there.
“Moby Dick, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Tale of Two Cities, The Lord of the Rings…”
It's nice how familiar the character is, even is such a widely different set of circumstances.
an old baseball, a small globe of the Earth, a Luke Skywalker action figure.
Sweet to see a collection of childhood reminiscences.
a grey t-shirt which read ‘Kansas State University’ in purple letters.
It's fun how many clues you give us about how long he was there!
“I didn’t realize I was going to have to go without chocolate.”
The Lois Lane dealbreaker!

I’ve had these abilities since I was a kid and – not gonna lie – it’s a lot harder to control superspeed when you’re eight than it is when you’re an adult.”

My father miscalculated. He predicted the first large tremor which shook Krypton’s core and sent me into space just before it struck. However, he thought that tremor would trigger a series of quakes which would destroy the planet within days. He was wrong. That first tremor was only the beginning. But once it hit, my father’s warning could no longer be denied. Other scientists had already come to the same conclusion.
This is such a great, logical explanation!
When they didn’t… he decided to go looking for me.
Awww! Yay! I feel like this is the fairy tale story for a kid without his birth parents.
"And once he’d opened hostilities with Earth, there was no way I could go home.”
Yet another reason to hate the character!
“So, you see, it’s my fault. They never would have come to Earth if it wasn’t for me.”
Oh no... poor Clark. That's a lot of guilt to tote around.
Jor-El adopted Ching as his son and heir.
Love this, too! Its a win for everyone!
I love the people of Earth and the people of New Krypton. I genuinely want what is best for both planets and I hope I can help build trust between our worlds.
Sounds like a job for Superman.
“Would you like me to call you Clark?” she asked, smiling softly.
He shook his head. “I would like that very much, but you’d better not.”
She’d seen them fly on television and a few times in person, but almost always in an intimidating, warlike manner. This though… this was just so casual.
This is such a dynamic juxtaposition to highlight. Coming out of this situation, the flying could be totally traumatizing. It's really nice to see her react more to him than to the reminder of war.
He just smiled. “You have a really nice laugh.”
Thanks for posting this for all of us waiting for it! Looking forward to following this story!