So I started to write something for Paul's Title Challenge (the one where we have to write a fic titled "The Super Market"), but what came out was so tedious and hideous I thought it would be better to post it here.

Feel free to provide tomatoes.

The Super Market

“Corn-flakes, check,” Lois mumbled, taking a box from the shelf, then glanced at her grocery list. “Now for the toilet paper...”

The toilet paper was at the other side of the super market. She walked across the crowded hallway and picked up a package of ten rolls. This should do for a while.

“Toilet paper, check. Next is orange juice...”

The orange juice was in the same aisle with the cornflakes. She went all the way back there and picked up one carton, then gave it some more thought and picked up another.

“Orange juice, check. Now where do I find toothpaste?”

The toothpaste wasn’t far from the toilet paper. Back again to the aisle with the hygiene products to pick up a tube.

“Toothpaste, check. Now...” She checked her grocery list again. “Right... some Double Fudge Crunch Bars...”

That was the easiest thing to remember, since she often made trips to the super market just to get some of those. They were in the aisle behind the corn-flakes and the orange juice.

And on she went, reading the grocery list and traveling around the supermarket to pick up the needed items.

The End

See ya,

What we've got here is failure to communicate...