Ok, kids, here's a newbie with some questions. Before I go too far, I will tell you I don't know if this story fits in too well here, ‘cuz even though the first half is through Lois' eyes and the second half through Clark's eyes, I'm bringing some Black Leather into the Realm of Red and Gold. Here's my questions. Of course, Unkle Lexie is involved, and he's brought some thugz with him—relatively smart ones, I think. They are sprinkled throughout an abandoned building, about 15 stories, and they need to communicate. What should they use? Because of certain elements in the narrative, it needs to allow others in the room to hear both sides of the exchanges (so not cell phones), but not something the cops less than 1,000 feet away outside the building can eavesdrop in on (so not walkie talkies). It needs to be secure communication. Not a party line type thing where 15 people can chat. What would this be? Gimme a rough physical description too, like "oh, a lil black thingie about 6 by 3 by 1.5 inches, and a lil antenna".

Next question. There apparently was an episode where a rather unattractive individual dressed up and called himself "Regular Man" or some such. Could anyone tell me a short, 1 or 2 sentence description of what this guy did, and hopefully what happened to him when he was caught? Right now the line in my story is "He was arraigned on charges of disturbing the peace and sentenced to a thousand hours of community service." And were there examples of any other parodies like this? I haven't seen all the episodes of the series, but I saw one with red kryptonite, that made him not care. Where there any other parodies? It's an element in a fairly important conversation in my story.

Next question! How close can Clark get to kryptonite before he realizes it is there, and before it affects him? I know it wipes him out, but in my story, he's been, like, in effect, chained to it for about 24 hours. In my story, he darn near bites it. Does that sound right in terms of the effects it has on him? Actually, now that I think about it.....if this doesn't work, it might end up being a "non-canon warning" at the start of the story....yikes....

A short question! Smallville. ‘Zat in Kansas? What state?

Another question related to the kryptonite one above. Let's say, hypothetically, that Clark has just about kicked off because of this kryptonite. And let's say that someone, human of course, is trying to revive him, gets the kryptonite out of there, and is trying to get his heart going. And let's say, hypothetically, that this person goes into an All-Out Knock-Down-Drag-Out Adrenal-Overload Panic, straddles Clark, and starts pounding on his chest. As I recall from the series, we would hear something like C# or something. Is it.....er, allowed to fudge this a bit and make him sound just like an ordinary chest? Without this person totally pulverizing their fist? I sure hope so.....if not, that's another "canon screw up!" note at the head of this....

Let not my Lord grow angry if I ask one more question. Ok, we have the Kerth award, but do Pulitzer prizes exist in the L&C world? There's actually two spots in my story where the Pulitzer is mentioned.

Thank you vewwy vewwy much for any help you can give.