The Pulitzer Prize is mention in Green, Green, Glow of Home. When Perry is trying to convince Lois to go to Smallville he mentions that the first report at Love Canal probably thought it was a nothing story but didn't he win the Pulitzer. That is what convinces Lois to go.
As for giving Clark CPR. If he has been exposed to kryptonite that long he is vunerable like every one else. He can be cut or killed like any one else. As to how long he can take exposure it partly has to do with how big the piece of kryptonite is and how close he is to it. The bigger the piece the short he can last exposed to it. The same goes to the lenght of time. So if you want him exposed for 24 hours it would have to be a realively smaller piece and it would have to be a little ways away from him. Anything right by or on him with have a devestating effect. In the episode where Superman is locked in the cage he is there for at least 12 hours but less than 24 hours.