Everyone's forgetting one of my favorite quotes from I Now Pronounce You (hope that's the correct ep laugh ): "Do you want a Pulitzer or do you want your wedding?"

Next question. There apparently was an episode where a rather unattractive individual dressed up and called himself "Regular Man" or some such.
Resplendant Man is the name you're looking for from the episode "A Bolt From the Blue." He got his powers from Superman by electrical transfer. He started to perform rescues and charge for them, trying to capitalize on his newfound powers. Superman tried to reason with him, telling him he had a responsibility to help people and *not* charge them for it. I can't recall how he lost his powers, but he did and was never charged for any crime in relation to his brief time as a superhero.

I know that was more than 2 sentences, but I tend to be rather long-winded at times. laugh


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