Thanks for the explanation, Labrat. smile

Wendy, you're right about the timing with respect to 'S...'. I just googled the archive, and only 2 of those listed as containing the word were posted within the last 2 years - Damaged and Addicted. The others were all earlier. So Lab's memo to GEs seems to have had some effect.

About 'f... - interesting how these words are used differently. I think in North America 'f...' is more likely used in those situations where UK usage would be 'b.....'. In origin, the two words mean essentially (loosely interpreted smile ) the same thing.

Btw, back in the very early 20th century, "rock and roll" was orginally a slang term for the sex act (back in the very early 20th century. It then got redefined. laugh

Although ... to use the phrase "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll" is a tad redundant. laugh (way off topic now)

Anyway, I'll pass this on to the author of the story I'm betaing - she'll have to cut the scene, which is too bad because it was funny.
