Wow. All this just because of one little scene that I wrote. I already knew I couldn't use it and keep the story PG. But I left it in because I suspected my beta readers would enjoy it (and they apparently did).
But Carol is right. It really doesn't work without the 'f' word - and the reason for that is because it really is the most inappropriate word in the English language

Of course, I end my innappropriate section with these paragraphs (I'll let the boards edit it for me

“It’s okay,” Lois said, cutting him off. “It’s just... well, in the future you might want to run words like that past me. I mean, ML can’t even keep this section in the story since it’s rated pg-13. So you’ve got to watch what you say.”
“Oh.... oops. Sorry, everyone. I’m new here and don’t know the rules. I certainly didn’t mean to offend anyone.” He looked back at Lois. “So... what exactly does ‘****’ mean?” he asked.