Back to the Future is rated PG in the US. I think the S word is considered fairly benign in this country. My parents, who were extremely conservative in what we were allowed to watch as kids, never had a problem letting us watch the Back to the Future films

. Alhough admittedly I think my mom was more concerned about our exposure to violence, etc, than profanity.
Bloody= a general superlative such as damn or sugar or whatever... and in the US F### has taken on the same meaning
I don't think that's really true. I certainly hear the F word around here, on a college campus, but if you said it in front of your average six year old I bet her mother would be more annoyed than if you'd said damn

To me, the F word is always offensive, on a level above all the rest. In any context. It's used like there's no tomorrow by the college students around me, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I swear more these days than I did in high school, but that is definitely where I draw the line.
It's interesting to see how these things change from country to country, though!
(who is reminded of a formal dance at her school a couple years ago where the first song she remembers being played had a chorus of women singing "F*** me" every so many bars. Because
that's romantic
