I discovered it because of all the commercials ABC played the summer before it premiered. I knew I'd watch it when it started, because I absolutely love the Superman story and always have, but I was really nervous that I'd wind up hating the new version. I loved the old movies and watched them a lot. And I read the comic books off and on. I was in Jr. High at the time, and already knew I wanted to be a journalist. In all honesty, I think at the time I didn't know much about real journalism and just wanted to be Lois Lane. I was excited that Lois would feature prominently in this one and it was more about The Daily Planet and Clark Kent's life than about Superman, since that was alway my favorite aspect. But I still was not convinced.
I watched the Pilot and fell in love immediately. I was so glad I'd decided to give it a chance. I was hooked from that point forward. Most of my friends were Sea Quest fans, so I was the odd man out, but I didn't care. After it went off the air, I was sad, but when I got to college I discovered the reruns on TNT and got hooked again.