Star Trek started me off, believe it or not! ST got me into sci-fi/fantasy type stuff, so when I saw it advertised on BBC2 (if they think something's going to be popular, they advertise like crazy!

) I watched it cause it was 'sci-fi'. (At that time sci-fi was definately in the minority, even as young as I was I saw that!) I think I stayed with it because it was about the characters and their lives, not the storyline/villain of the week!
I remember the loooong wait for S3 (watched the TV guide religiously) but don't really remember the long wait for S4. I do however remember watching Lord of the Flys when it finally appeared. It was a Saturday evening (*might* have been Sunday, other UK Folc's can help me here!) and the family was in the kitchen having dinner. I think I had over-ruled everyone as to the choice of channel while we had dinner and then I made them sit in silence while I watched (my sister was an occassional fan so there was some support there)! Parents kept trying to interrupt and ask why such and such was happening! I was glad I was taping it and could see it uninterrupted later, but there was something to be said for the 'live' viewing!