I discovered it because it was advertised in TV guide. I am a total super-hero/scifi/fantasy fanatic, always have been, always will be. Anyway, I tuned in for the very first episode and never missed a show after that... summers between the cliffhanger and the startup never really bothered me, I was always too busy, but I would get rather antsy about taping the hour when the new season was about to start... the funny thing is, mid second season to mid third season, I did not have cable or a TV, but never missed a show.
I got my father in law to tape it for me and watched it the next week at the family dinner :)He always said, "life does not revolve around the TV Marnie." and I would say... "no, but I like this show so pleease!" And he faithfully taped it for me... I often joke with my husband that I did not marry him, I married his family. <g>