
-u-t a -e-, L-i-, I...

-hat'-ha ----i-- --?

The ---- -t-i-e. --u ----, the t-- -i-e- a-e-'t -eall- that -a- a-a-t.

H-- -a- a-a-t a-e the-, -eall-?

L-i-... a-e --u -eeli-- --a-?

-e-e- -ette-. I -u-t... --ul--'t hel- --ti-i-- h-- -e--... ha-----e --u l--- t--a-.



-h. I -et it. -hat -- --u -a-t? -e-ea--h? --u- --- -i-e-? A -i-e t- the ai----t? -li-- -ate -ith --u- --u-i-?

--. I ---'t -a-t a--thi--. E--e-t... --u.

I was home eating chocolate—cottage cheese.
Chocolate flavoured cottage cheese. It's a new flav—
I was doing my laundry.

—Lois Lane