Z! But of course! (And hey wow, there actually is one!)
---- - ------... ---- - ------! ---- -- ----, y--- -----r'- ---- -----r -----, -y y-ur ----------r'- ------ --rr----, --rr--- --r --r ---r- --rr---- - --- ----- ------y -u----.
---! - ----r ----- ---- -uy.
--- ------- ---, -- ----, -- -r--- -u-- ----'- --- -u- -- ------- -- - --- ----- ---- ------. U---- ----, --- --- ----r ------- -u- --- u---- --r --rr---- -- U---- --r---.
---- -- - -------r-!
---- -uz, y-ur ----- -r ----?
And LOL! I remember that! I can't remember if I got it or not. I may have thought you were making a Power Rangers reference O.o Or was that from an incident before with someone else, and that's why I knew what you meant? Hmmmm...