Jose, Paul, and Artemis, thanks for chiming in with some more FDK! smile

This discussion regarding the song from Fiddler on the Roof has certainly amused me. Has anyone here read Up the Down Staircase? It was long enough ago for me that I don't remember all the names, but there was a reference to a woman applying for a teacher's certificate who was rejected because the committee didn't approve of her interpretation of something written by an author -- Edna Millay, or something. Ever after the author herself wrote to the committee and assured them that the woman's interpretation was correct, they still refused to accept it, although they stopped using still-living authors for their literary interpretations after that. goofy

If you'll believe this still-living author, wink I can honestly say that the story wasn't influenced or inspired by the song Sunrise, Sunset at all. I haven't heard it since I was about ten, and the only words that I actually remembered were... well, "Sunrise, Sunset." laugh The tune stuck more than the words, although the feeling behind the words probably lingered. But then, at the age of ten, what did I know about nostalgia and the passage of time? huh I didn't actually go and look up the lyrics until after this discussion started.

I guess it comes down to this: once I'd titled the fic, the song struck me as having possible echoes; but any echoes an individual reader finds are probably going to come from their own head.

But a story that inspires echoes or contemplation is a good thing, right? wink


Lois: You know the deal.
Clark: Superman gets the guys in capes, Lois and Clark get the guys in suits.

-- Action Comics 827