Normally, I'd just say prayers, but I know that not all of you are Christians and I don't want to exclude anyone.

For those of you that have been around since Feb 2001, you will remeber that I temporarily lost my eyesight to something called optic neuritis. It was not MS realted last time and I am pretty sure it's not this time.

Only it's going much faster this time.

Last time, I got eye pain in January and didn't develop blockage of my vison until Feb 25. This time I got the eye pain on Jan 4th. They tested my eyes and everything came back negative(other than I am extremely near sighted.).
This last Sunday, the 11th I woke up and I didn't have any blockages per se, but I noticed a dimmness of the vision in my right eye. By the evening I was already noticing the constant shifting patterns that has started to overlay everything. In 2001 this didn't happen until the first week in March. At this rate, I should not be able to see at all in my right eye by the end of the week.

If the pattern continues, I should start loosing my vision in my left eye by the end of the following week.

On top of all this, about 3 days prior to Jan 4th, I was starting to feel cold all over and was expecting to to come down sick with the flu. instead I started to get the eye pain.

Two days later, I had some difficulty with constantly needing to urniate. It got progressviely worse and it was interfering with my sleep to the point that I have not been getting more than 2.5 to 3 hours of sleep. this is causeing me to have the shakes and to be rather irratable at ti9mes.

I found out on thursday thatr i have Prostatitis. its very painful, to say the least.

so i am dealing with both conditions at the same time.

I could use all the prayer support I can get.

So could Elisabeht and the girls.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!