Elisabeth, I'm so glad to read your last post. I understand about having to repeat the story over and over again, and because us lay people don't have the training or the experience to understand what James has been going through, it scares us.

And I understand about the "chump change" too. My wife's recent pacemaker operation (I still call it her "upgrade") was billed out at over $100,000 to the insurance companies. We've since found out that the hospital and doctors charge a premium for stuff like this, and then they settle with the insurance company for an amount one-half to one-third the billed amount to make the insurance company look good (because they saved the patient so much money, you see, and they saved their stockholders so much money too). We've had to pay a smidgen of that ourselves, but wow! Nothing like the amount they originally asked for.

And I'm so very glad that James has improved so much so quickly. I know it doesn't seem like it to y'all, but from a doctor's viewpoint it is pretty quick. And I rejoice with you that you two are bound together so well. The divorce rate for couples where one partner or one of the kids has a chronic, debilitating illness was over eighty percent the last time I checked. So y'all are setting the bar high in that regard also.

I pray that James will be well soon, that his computer will be back in action at full strength quickly, and that his symptoms will fade into the background. Failing that, I pray that you will rely on the One Who never fails, never upbraids, and never leaves. Bless you and your family.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing