From James who is too lazy to unlog Elisabeth and log myself in.
Sorry, I've been in the hospital since last Wed. the 14th. As soon as the Neurologist talked to me he said that I should be hospitalized.

They ran all kinds of tests (x-ray(just because), MRI (I hate those) and Lumbar puncture, which is the new way of saying spinal tap. They have a new way of doing it so you only have to be flat on you back for 1.5 hours. I laid there for 2, just in case.) smile

I was poked and prodded about every hour or so.

Yesterday(friday), by told me that I would need to be hospitalized for at least another 4 days. And that they had a tenetive diagnoses neuromyelitis optic (NMO)
Here is the linke

They won't have a firm diagnosis until Monday or Tuesday next week. But they are pretty sure.

The prostate issue isn't really involving the prostrate directly. the NMO is causeing the problem.
It not only affects the eyes, but anything attched to the spinal cord. This time it nailed my bladder shut. So they have be doing a straight Cath to my bladder to relieve the pressure. It isn't fun let me tell you!

Anyway, around noon they sent up physical therapy nures to put me through the paces and had an outpaitent PT nurse put me through the paces. 30 minutes later a nurse came into instruct me on how to do my own straight Cath when I was at home. They were going to let me go home! I missed my family, but I didn't think I was able to go home yet. Oh, I also have to give myself my own infusion of the steroid for the treatment. I am having a home nurse come in to show me how to do it. They were even new enough to give me a new IV port before I leave.

I found out that this was Insurance related. GRR!

Anyway, I had my first steroid treatment and the results were greaat. Instead of only being ro read the first line on the eye chart and part of the second line. I could read the top three lines (mostly). The mild pain in my chest went away. So definite an improvement.

As you may have guessed, I am at home. I've cathed 2 times but I am not as good as a nurse but I do get some relieve.

Please pray that I can urninate on my own soon, I'd rather be half blind and can urniate then not urinate!

I guess I should be happy that it got locked in the OFF oppsition, huh? laugh

That is all for now.
