“Are you CC Aiken?” one, speaking in an unfamiliar accent, but which could have been Scottish or perhaps Irish, demanded.
“Oh! Well, I’m sure pleased to meet y’all...”
“Can’t say we return the compliment,” the first Muse growled.
What???? Poor CC
“We wanted to speak to you,” the second said quickly. A western accent, maybe? Utah? Montana? Idaho? “We have some questions to put to you.”

western accent...let me guess...
“In Kansas, of course. Smallville, to be exact.”
“Smallville?” CC looked around her. Hoping desperately for a glimpse of... oh, she didn’t know. Maybe Tom Welling? Better still, Michael Rosenstein. Heck, she’d settle for the real Clark Kent. “But they grow wheat in Kansas, not corn. And it’s in the middle of the prairies - there are no mountains...”
“Yeah, and Metropolis isn’t even in the same state as Smallville. But that doesn’t stop *some* writers, does it?” Irish/Scottish Muse grinned sardonically as she spoke.
LOL, CC want to see Tom Welling, hahaha,poor CC, she is confused now.
“As to how you got here,” the second Muse explained, “That’s simple. Through the window, of course.”
“Window?” CC looked around. “What window?”
“There’s always a window. When you need one, that is.”
“Uh... okay.” Shaking her head, CC decided to focus on the most pressing issue. “You said something about some questions...?”
Nooooo, CC please don´t ask....
“Oh, stop pussyfooting around!” a third Muse demanded, appearing as if from nowhere. Shorter than the rest - that made CC feel a *lot* better. In fact, almost as short as she was, which was why the Muse had been invisible up to now. But skinny - slimmer than anyone had a right to be. Her robe was adorned with letters of the alphabet, though, strangely, CC could only pick out H, I and J, with some half-formed Ks. The Muse had just a faint hint of a Southern drawl, which *should* mean there was some affinity between them. “Let’s get on with it. We all know what we’re here for. Just lay out the charges. Unvarnished, unbuttoned, undone, uncaged, unspooled, unleashed... whatever.”
Obviously not. No affinity there. None whatsoever. “Um... charges?”
I told you ...
“Charges.” The second Muse sighed. “Let the world find out that CC Aiken is hereby charged with the unauthorised abduction and neutralisation of fanfic writers’ muses. While pretending that said muses were merely being taken to a better place, in fact the perpetrator of this massive theft had no intention of sending them back again.”
Dear Lord
“But... but I never...”
“Quiet!” Scottish/Irish Muse ordered.
CC cowered. The expression on that woman’s face made her feel like something the cat had dragged in.
Don´t talk to her like that!°!!!! Poor CC
“A second charge relates to the hijacking of reader comments. The evidence is clear - while other writers’ comment folders languished with as few as half a dozen posts or less, Ms Aiken was amassing posts in excess of thirty or even forty.”
Wendy: You evil, I laughed until I almost died, dear lord, you are a genious.