Woohoo! Jen noticed the story references!!
Just dropping in to give credit where it's due, incidentally. I showed this story to CC and to a few others who appear in cameo form, and CC sent it back to me with utterly hilarious BR comments. One of those comments read as follows:
“A second charge relates to the hijacking of reader comments. The evidence is clear - while other writers’ comment folders languished with as few as half a dozen posts or less, Ms Aiken was amassing posts in excess of thirty or even forty.”
Yeah, but... Ok. I have no argument for that. Is it too soon to throw myself on the mercy of the court? I’m a Mom! Three little ones depend on me for peanut butter sandwiches! I teach Sunday School! And help nuns cross the street!
so, of course, I just
had to add it inl along with a few other gems. Thanks so much, CC, for being such a good sport about this and giving me lots of wonderful entertainment.
PS: I'll explain all the cameos later - let you have fun guessing them first.