Well. I'm humbly grateful.
Completely innocent of all charges... but humbly grateful, just the same.
First, because I've never had even a tiny cameo in any of those fics-with-cameos. So, to star in one, I mean, that's just... I can't think what, but thank you!
I'm humbled, grateful, etc, etc. You get the picture.
Second, if I had any sort of teeny, tiny nits with this, it
might be on the repeated 'short' references. Actually, I'm not really short. The problem is all of you are weirdly tall. I don't want to point fingers, name names, hurt feelings, but still... What did your Mamas feed you growing up?? (and up and up)
Last, I had the pleasure of finding this is my inbox this morning. Loved it. Decided to take it on the chin, and as a big, fat compliment of which I am undeserving.
(But for which I truly am humbly grateful. No. Really. I am.)
And I might could point out the irony. That the premise- Wendy is museless- is soundly trounced by the execution of a really funny, clever, well written little fic. I might could point that out, but I won't. Not if Wendy is willing to work in this one last suggestion I had for her. She overlooked it in the final draft, but that was probably accidental.
“But anyway,” she insisted, “This is ridiculous! I’ve never intimidated anyone in my life! I mean, holy cow, *look* at me! Do I *look* intimidating? Here might be a nice place to insert descriptive phrases about my looks- ‘unearthly beauty’ ‘dark brown tresses of pure silk’ ‘smile to rival the sun’ ‘freckles like cinnamon sprinkles over... erm... my face.’ Wait! Let Labrat write this part. She does descriptive out the yin-yang! I mean, if I looked like Yvonne, who’s the tallest FoLC I’ve met, or Wendy, who looks totally professorial in that navy blazer...”
One quick little edit, Wendy. Just think it over. You don't have to 'yes' right away. And
thank you for the lovely and loving, entirely tongue-in-cheek tribute.
Did I mention? I'm humbly grateful.