I wrote and played in Highlander and The Young Riders fandoms under my real name. Under MacKenzie Creations, I'm active in Buffy/Angel and Hawaii Five-0 (the new one) fandoms. I have read Pirates of the Caribbean fic, Zorro (New World Productions), Twilight - was active for a while. I tend to be active in one fandom at a time. Especially when I'm writing. I have also read Bones fic. While I watch Castle, I don't do anything online with it. You can look me up on Fanfiction dot net under MacKenzie Creations to rea what I have written. I did write a Superman Returns fic using Dean Cain and Terri Hatcher instead of the actors from the movie. I did this for a 12 days of Clois ficathon on Live Journal. However, it needs to be fleshed out some more before I post it to my ff.net account. You can find the fic under LadyMacKenzie on Live Journal.

{{{hugs to all}}}