Posted by DC:
The only other message boards I am active with (and then, not so much at the current moment in time) is the Talking Xena boards. (I also am a member of Zoom's L&C boards.)
I'm on Zoom's boards, also

. Whenever I'm online, I'm pretty much always here, there, or reading from the Archive...
Posted by Mozartmaid:
Interesting that a lot of you all are into Castle. I just picked up the first season of it as well -- hoping for a bit of LnC kind of chemistry. Maybe we all picked up on that?
I haven't seen any of the first season, but have caught about all of this season (and have been trying to catch up when older reruns air here and there throughout the week). So far, have not been disappointed. Really interesting show with a lot of suspense, mystery, comedy (great dialog btw the main characters), etc, etc. It's like L&C in that it seems to focus mostly on the two main characters throughout the episode, solving their case--and as a partnership. Great supporting characters, too. There definitely is some nice chemistry btw Castle and Beckett, but can't top L&C

. Bet you'll really like it...(and have not forgotten about Smallville--on the to-do list--and still wanting to dive into the series
