I was pretty involved in the Alias fandom for a few years, even wrote a couple of fics (mercifully now lost to the ages) and was active on several message boards. The show's staggering decline in quality in its final seasons really seemed to run off a large chunk of the fandom (myself included).

These days, I am thoroughly in love with Sherlock (BBC/ PBS). That fandom is very active on Tumblr, and so there is always something going on, even though the original content output of the show itself is, shall we say, meager (over 1.5 years since the last new episode aired, though we just got a season 3 trailer, so yay? smile ).

Probably the common thread among the 3 fandoms (including L&C) that ever captured my intense interest is that I am drawn to shows that prominently highlight stories of "singular devotion." Something innate resonates with me when I see characters willing to do anything for the person they love most (whether romantic interest, child, best friend--just someone they put above all others).