The only other message boards I am active with (and then, not so much at the current moment in time) is the Talking Xena boards. (I also am a member of Zoom's L&C boards.)

In the past, I was active on the old Studios USA Xena, Hercules, and Jack of All Trades boards. I also was part of a Lion King board, but, after a recent revamp, I've left it because I don't like what was done there. I also felt old there - most members were in their teens, or acted like it.

I never did the message board thing (but did read things online) for Lost and Dexter.

I have written fanfic for L&C, Xena, Lord of the Rings, Jack of All Trades, Hercules, Lost, The Lion King, the Matrix (one "manual" style fic). I also had my L&C/Dexter crossover.

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon