Awwwwww! <waffy sigh>
It'll be hard to write coherent comments when I'm melting, but I'll try.
Ok, first off, I really liked the premise. Lucy may not always make the best choices, but neither is she stupid. Nice to see that -- and sufficient confidence in her assessment to stand up to Lois' denials.
Now for specifics:
Even if they had been... well, wow.
:rolleyes: Well, that might have been a tip-off.
“But... but he deceived her! He lied! And he was responsible for plotting the deaths of hundreds of people! Heck, he would have killed Molly!! she'd pointed out to her partner.
Oops, typo I think? Either two quotation marks or none...
switching back to the present
I can't believe that this works, but it does, brilliantly!
Does she think I wouldn't know if we were dating! Lois muttered indignantly to herself.
Su-ure, because Lois is always able to see those close to her completely objectively.
“Like he's dying of thirst and you're the clear, fresh water. Like when he's with you he's got everything in the world he wants. Like you're the most precious possession he has..."
WOW! <melting>
“Don't knock yourself out, Lois,” he responded dryly