I’m stunned! It’s truly wonderful to see so much feedback and so many encouraging comments and suggestions. These boards are fantastic!!

So many of you mentioned particular things, such as Lucy’s recounting of the bowling incident and Lois and Clark feeding each other pizza (yes, I made those incidents up, but they seemed to be pretty typical of the way Lois and Clark were with each other socially, and it gave Lucy an opportunity to have been an observer of the two of them being... more than friendly wink ):

At first when I started reading it, I thought that it had been done before. But before I got more than a few paragraphs in, I realized how wrong I was. Lucy pointed out just the right things, and it was hilarious the way she did it. I liked how you built on real events but added "side events" that might have happened offscreen and made perfect sense. It was easy to picture Lois linking her arm in Clark's, or poking him, patting him on the back, or hugging him when she got a strike (what's less imaginable to me is that Lois would stoop to go bowling enough to be good enough to get a strike!).
So thanks; I’m really delighted that those scenes went over well.

Pam mentioned the understated revelation; it’s a relief that some, or perhaps most, of you found that believable. Yes, in a longer story Lois wouldn’t react quite so gently, and there’d be much more discussion, but we can say that the explanations will all come later, when Lois has had a chance to get used to the information and when she’s tired of kissing Clark. smile1

Just a fly-by! *waves*