Wonderfully waffy and sweet, Wendy. Lucy did a great job of getting under Lois' skin just enough to needle her into questioning it. As others have mentioned, the bits that you had Lucy mention about the way that they acted together, even before they were a couple, were
so very "them".
Until I got to the relevant paragraph, I hadn't realized that Lois telling Clark about her conversation with Lucy was a calculated reasoning on her part. Never even occurred to me. I did like the way that Clark responded to all of Lois' comments: he played it calmly and carefully, not moving forward too quickly but being a little more confident and assertive than we often see him portrayed during this era.
And naturally I loved this...
His hand slid along her jawline and tilted her face up towards his. “I love you too,” he murmured softly.
And then his lips touched hers.
And she understood then that all their previous kisses had been no more than a rehearsal for this moment: their first real kiss. His movements were initially tentative then, as she responded, more confident. Assertive.
Excitement. Passion. And her best friend - all rolled up in one. The perfect relationship.
And another very calm - and oh so subtle - revelation. You're so very good at that.

I almost missed this one too. I obviously have to be on the watch for these in the future...and obviously I need to slow down and stop reading so quickly...
Time to climb out of the waffy puddle of goo...and say Happy Birthday, Erin!