Nice part 1, Kae. You portrayed Lois' confusion about her feelings towards the man who betrayed her very nicely. She still feels the attraction she had for him, which wars against her brain which is telling her he is trouble.

Then Claude tells things from his point of view, treating things as just two people sleeping together because they wanted to, rather than because of a deep emotional attachment. He's just smooth enough to throw doubt into Lois' thought processes about whether he is as big a louse as she thought he was.

I have no idea where this story is heading, but I can make my guesses. With Claude making hints about Clark, it's possible he could become a catalyst that allows Lois to realize she is attracted to Clark, thereby allowing them to get together. Or he could end up seducing Lois again, hurting her even more. Since there's only one part left, I have to go with gut instinct and say door number one. smile

Any way it goes, it's an intriguing setup. I look forward to Part 2. That comes tomorrow, right? laugh

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin