Let's see if I can be a little more coherent than I was last night. I was surprised at the first win but completely stunned at the second. I could hardly think, much less type out any kind of organized thank you speech. I'd like to thank those who voted for my stories, in any case. It's a wonderful feeling to know that so many like what I write.
It was a great ceremony. I've been at the Kerths every year since I think 1999 and I've enjoyed each one of them more than the last. The presentations were very good and many of them were hysterically funny, and the comments in Kerthchat had my husband asking me every few minutes why I was laughing so hard.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea and mostly everyone else has said what I could say, anyhow.
A big thanks goes to the K-Com and to everyone who came to the ceremony as well, for making it so much fun. I can hardly wait for next year.