Okay, Paul made me do this and I'm feeling loopy right now..so these are his fault. wink

Tempus sniffs. "Herbie, did you just fart?"

Herb: "Well...I do feel quite constipated."

Utopian Wax Museum patron to friend: "Geez! The sculptor must have been drunk! What's wrong with their faces?"

Tempus: Herb, what the heck is that smell?!
Herb: I...well..I thought I'd programed the time machine to land in Smallville, not Smellville! Oh dear, I *do* hope we can catch up with Lois and Clark.
Tempus: Oh, give me a break, Herb and do it right this time!

That all for now! wink

Sara (who's having far too much fun in IRC to really concentrate on thinking up a caption)

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