1. A song you know all the words to? Het is een Nacht by Guus Meeuwis
2. Last book you read? Loving a Lost Lord by Mary Jo Putney
3. Favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni, and anything else to add spice
4. Your shoe size? 42 - no idea what that is in US/UK sizes
5. Favorite household chore? Laundry
6. Household chore you'd do anything to avoid? Well, since I live alone I cannot avoid anything, but I grealy dislike cleaning the bathroom.
7. PC or Mac? PC
8. Favorite holiday? Christmas by far.
9. Type of cellphone you own? Nokia, no clue about the specifics. There are too many of them too keep track.
10. Last ep of L&C you watched? Hmmm. It's been a great while since I last saw an ep. Quite possible it was Ultra Woman.
11. Favorite cereal? I don't use cereal.
12. Facebook app you spend to much time on? I don't use Facebook.
13. Somewhere you have always wanted to visit? Ireland, Scandinavia, India, China, Australia, South Africa... I have a long list and hopefully a long life to see it all.
14. Superpower you wish you had? Time travel. I'd love to visit the past and see how things went way back then.