Back to the poll, am I the only one who actually keeps a postacard or something similar handy so that when I'm reading something I'm really enjoying I can cover the page on the right while I'm reading the one on the left? Really hate peeking.
Now *that's* smart. I mostly read suspense, mysteries, etc, and I just hate it when I accidentally look over at the other page and find out, oops, well they killed off so-n-so, there's goes the surprise.
/me makes a major mental note to try that!
Anywho, I'm anti-spoiler. I love it when stories punch me in the gut be it surprise villians, character deaths...if I can't figure out what's going to happen, it means you're really good at writing.
Hero dies? Doesn't solve the mystery? Doesn't get the girl? I can handle it.
A big ditto, although I can think of one time where James Patterson killed off one of my favorite characters. I'm still kind of peeved about it to this day lol, was still an outstanding book.