I usually don't read the end first. However, if I find that I really don't like the way a story line seems to be progressing I will peak at the ending. If I don't like the ending I usually quit reading. Now the only endings I hate are where the hero and/or his girl die. Then yeah I quit reading. Has only happened a couple of times.
As for not reading a story until it is finished that's me. Not because I want to be able to peak but because I have started way to many stories that are never finished. The last one I started and hasn't been finished is "Disguise Failed." I made the decision at that time to wait until a story is finished. I just don't have the time to spend on stories that aren't finished or have long times between postings. I like to read one story at a time or one book at a time. To get engrossed in a story and enjoy it and then move on to the next. Not have to keep going back and rereading stories just so I can't keep them straight if I'm reading several and the postings are weeks apart. I enjoy them much more if I read one at a time which dictates they be finished.
Now I know their have been triologies etc. That is okay. I still can reading one story at a time that comes to a conclusion. Then read the next installment when it is finished.