I'm one of those people who tries to stay away from spoilers so I don't ruin the surprises and twists, but fails dismally almost every time. I often give in to temptation and either read ahead or skim so fast to try and find out the ending that I miss key details during the story. I find I have to actually read most things twice or three times to truly appreciate them because in the race to find out whodunnit, or what's going to happen, I just end up missing so many things. I recently reread one of my recent favorite book series and was finding myself going, "WHAT?! When did *THAT* happen?" more than once.
My style of reading has been cultivated so much that I can usually glance at a page for about 10-20 seconds and get the 'gist' and move on, which is very bad when you want to sit back and just enjoy every word. But it's gotten to the point where I just can't help it sometimes. I'll start out reading word for word and then boom, I shoot several pages ahead before I stop myself.
As far as the boards go, however, I want new material so badly I usually will read things part by part, unfinished or no
And as far as what types of endings I find acceptable... If it's written well enough, I can usually find myself agreeing with just about anything, from standard happily ever afters, to Romeo and Juliet Take Four, to whoops the world got blown up. If I'm in a specific need to feel good mood, though, I try to avoid the latter two