Read the end first?! Are you crazy?!
I can't say that I haven't ever spoiled myself, but I don't like doing it.

For instance... I printed out The Late Great Lois Lane for trip reading last year. Friends had told me, "OMG! You're going to die of shock when you find out who the villain is!!" I was so excited about this! Then, in a moment of sheer stupidity... I'd placed the stack of papers face down... and that little end note just jumped up at me!

Though, it didn't ruin my enjoyment of the story.

I was still even a bit shocked when I got to that surprising part.
Mystery/suspense novels... I love trying to figure things out from the clues as I go along. I get to feel smart when I find I was right.

OTOH... not so great to feel dumb when you got it wrong, but that just means it's good writing.
Romance-type novels (I read the "chick lit" type novels as opposed to the true "romance" novels)... You know with certainty that the two main characters are going to get together at the end, but the whole fun of it is in the journey!