I hate being spoiled.

If it's a book I'm adoring, I'll actually slow down reading in order to make it last longer.

And, though I've never gone quite so far as El,

I will occasionally make strenuous efforts
not to look at the facing page during a crucial scene. I don't want to know who the villain is, who the heroine ends up with, whether someone dies or anything like that... until it happens.
So, with fanfic, I have no problem at all reading works in progress... as long as there isn't
too long a delay between posts and I'm pretty sure the author will finish it. After all, what with Single White Kryptonian, Better Part of Valour and What's Love Got To Do With It buried in the graveyard of unfinished fics, you gotta be careful.
Thanks for all the responses, guys; it's been fun reading them!