Kathy and Annie,

I have been looking forward to reading this for a long time -- and I am definately not disappointed. It was absolutely wonderful -- and so funny!

from Lucy's descriptions, she imagined "The Quantity Bar" would have been a more fitting name.
LOL! I wish I knew of a "quantity bar".

Lois is such a nice sister to do whatever Lucy wanted for her birthday.

Lucy's comments about the way that Lois dresses are so similar to the way that my sister talks to me smile . Apparently, I am way too frumpy for her tastes. I love how Lucy knows exactly what Lois should wear to the bar without even being there. I wonder if Lucy raided her closet in advanced and deliberately picked out the outfit.

Still, the neighborhood seemed nice enough ... she'd certainly met snitches in worse places, at least.
That is not saying much for the neighborhood wink . Lois meets sources in a lot of horrible places.

Wow, Lucy's boyfriend sounds great! Good looking, smart, and can make a great Long Island Ice Tea... and wants Lucy to get her degree. what else could you ask for in a guy? Oh well, he could be Clark... but that's about the only thing that would make him better <g>.

What do you suggest, Jerry? I seem to remember you telling me you had a real talent for Screaming Orgasms
LOL! I know it and Sex on the beach are real drinks, but the names had me ROTFLMAO in the scope of the conversation.

And drunk Lois is so funny! These lines all had me LOLing:

You were right, Luce, he is a good bart-- barten-- drink maker-upper!"

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve